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Full Version: Get out your rod to fish.
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Explain your suggestion, in detail:
Have an option to turn off the "Get out your rod to fish" message

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:
As it's quite annoying when you simply wish to build over water, yet this message hovers over your screen regardless. Alternatively there could be a timer in which the message disappears after X amount of seconds. Even functions such as /hud do not remove it.
+Support if it fades after a bit as suggested

And possibly look into our own GM settings for these types of things? Less commands the better, so a settings area would be nice.

Also, add a poll please Smile
It should come up once, and then only when you are holding your rod to indicate that you can fish there. I would prefer it if it was this way
You have my full +support, but it should pop out once to let us know if we are fishing in the right place or not.

Your famous fisherman!
Show it for people who have like under 100hours
Also allow a command to show if we can fish in the spot we are standing on
Otherwise: +support
(Jan 3, 2018, 01:44 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]It should come up once, and then only when you are holding your rod to indicate that you can fish there. I would prefer it if it was this way
(Jan 3, 2018, 01:44 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]It should come up once, and then only when you are holding your rod to indicate that you can fish there. I would prefer it if it was this way
Pushing for Staff Review.
