Name of Players: Brin, IvirCheetham, weeb
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138425082, STEAM_0:0:82881576, STEAM_0:1:59595937
Server: Rockford_v2b
Time: 21:06
12.1 - You need a valid reason to raid the President (or anyone else). Do not raid the president for money, because of high taxes, because you
don’t like certain laws (unless they drastically impact your character), or as retaliation for being arrested by the police due to your own actions.
Before raiding the president, you need to show that you have attempted and exhausted the possibility of a peaceful resolution. You need to have
an appropriate underground job set via /job before raiding anyone – don’t raid as the default “Citizen” job without using /job first.
Possibly 3.9 - Do not use information obtained by out-of-character means, in-character (Metagaming). Exception - you may use Teamspeak/Discord/similar
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]3 SWAT units rushed into my friend's house for blocked windows, I don't know if there was a law that allowed them to do this, but that's not the problem.
The problem is that they raided my house for absolutely no reason at all. I asked multiple times for the raid reason and at the end, one of them said: "They are linked". First off, the houses aren't linked. Even if they were linked, it's not a reason to raid it.
If one apartment in Mesa apartment had blocked windows, would the SWAT/Police search the entire building? Of course not.
All doors in my house were owned by me and only me. All the doors in my friend's house were owned by him, and only him. The SWAT units hadn't even seen me and my friend talking to each other. In the video, you can see me being on the other side of the neighborhood while the SWAT arrives. I know that the only reason they raided my house was that they saw my job title. They saw that I was in the same "gang" as my friend. And that is a clear violation of rule 3.6, metagaming. I am sure of this because there is absolutely no other reason for them to search my house.
Now again, I had no blocked windows. Inside the house, in one of the rooms, I had a fading door, which could not be seen from the outside. But even if it could have been, still no reason for the raid.
I feel like I need to mention this as well. Why did the SWAT even go there? The SWAT is only supposed to drive out if there is something serious and dangerous going on (if weapons are seen and such). But we had not been shooting at all, not taken people hostage or harmed anyone. And despite this, the SWAT went straight to our house, not the police, but the fucking SWAT.
Now, to the part of the SWAT units searching my house. As you can see in the video, a SWAT unit asks me if I own the house to the left of the house with blocked windows. I said yes, in a polite tone. Immediately after I said yes, I got cuffed and left outside while they warranted me and rushed into my house, for again, no reason at all.
I should also mention that my friend had blocked windows but nothing illegal inside his house at all.
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]I had nothing to do with my neighbor, and I got raided anyway.[/font]
![[Image: 42FEE6FDC95DB715547DDA4FFD30329BE6D5E50C]](
Thank you for your player-report, ZooM.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
I support this PR to 100%, I'm involved in this and this is not acceptable at all.
They randomly came to 3 Richard Drive and 1 Richard Drive with their SWAT vehicles. The search of 3 Richard Drive was legitimate and acceptable as it broke against the law (blocked windows). It also had fences. But, the search of 1 Richard Drive was not acceptable at all. There were no window blocks, no fences at all. The only thing we had was locked doors and nothing else.
I owned all of the doors at 3 Richard Drive (I'm the owner of 3 Richard Drive) and my friend that has posted this PR owns all the doors at 1 Richard Drive (he's the owner). They handcuff me and my friend then enter our property. We couldn't even speak to them properly as you see in the video as they wouldn't give us enough time. I could barely ask why I'm getting raided.
When my friend at 1 Richard Drive was getting raided, he asked why they are raiding then they said that the houses were linked. My friend asked how they are linked, but did not get a respond.
Now I ask those 3 SWAT's involved, how do you see those houses connected? Why did you search 1 Richard Drive? This is ridiculous and something should be done. You just ruined our fun night together which I take very badly.
Because your friend admitted to owning that property, and he was with you at the time.
We did a perimeter sweep as the first house, the offender, had fortifications acting as if it was a raidbase which made us think that it was made for the intention of armed and aggressive conflicts. This made us think the area was a hotspot for armed, dangerous activity so we sweeped surrounding houses.
12.1 isn't relevant at all
that's it.
(Dec 25, 2017, 11:02 PM)rm -rf / Wrote: [ -> ]Because your friend admitted to owning that property, and he was with you at the time.
We did a perimeter sweep as the first house, the offender, had fortifications acting as if it was a raidbase which made us think that it was made for the intention of armed and aggressive conflicts. This made us think the area was a hotspot for armed, dangerous activity so we sweeped surrounding houses.
12.1 isn't relevant at all
that's it.
Was I with him all the time? Now you are straight up lying even though there is video evidence that shows otherwise.
I did not admit that, if I did please prove I did. Like I said in my first reply on this PR: I own 3 Richard Drive, my friend owns 1 Richard Drive. There was nothing at 1 Richard Drive except for locked doors that have been bought, my friend. You searched the house without any sufficient reason, which is against 12.1 and you probably meta-gamed which is a violation of 3.9. Like this PR says, you took advantage of our job titles as we were in the same gang. 12.1 is totally relevant like the video shows clearly.
I understand how the house with the unrealistic fortified walls and fences is suspicious and would be searched but I don't see why the house next to it (which isn't linked) should be searched to?
I'd like to also mention that the fortified build being that's created with elevators, though interesting looking and quite impressive but also FailRP as they just disappear into the ground and appear from it as well, very unrealistic. Shouldn't be allowed.
I'd like to hear more about the RP reasons on why the houses were searched.
Firstly, this PR is absolute nonsense.
I'm going to address the issue at hand.
Your main house, 3 Rich Dr. You had Blocked Windows and a dupe that bought up elevators that was high walls. Now, see the link below you'll see in the screenshot the laws that illegalized the said blocked windows and highwalls (Under "Buildings section"). I don't need to comment further on this as I followed the Presidents laws at this said time.
Laws Evidence:
Secondly; You say we random raided 1 Rich Dr. You, Zoom, admitted to being an associate of the male who had blocked windows and guided us to your house exclaiming the tiny white house was yours - big mistake. We get a call about Contraband to 3 Richard Dr, we're going to search ANY associates house involved with whom ever the house belongs to. There is no reason why you needed to post this PR. You simply can't comprehend that we followed A) The laws and B) Responded to a /911 call that a citizen had made to Police / SWAT which we did explain to you in OOC.
Noted, we cuffed you. I even explain "I'm cuffing you for my safety and my officers saftey including any citizens in the area". I did no wrong in cuffing you as you were potentially armed should you have been doing Contraband, which you were. I will point out you've used a wrong rule in your PR also.
Thirdy, because we explained to you why we raided the properties (Which we didn't need to as Staff never asked us to.) you then went on to insult me in OOC because you didn't get your own way. See below:
Insults in OOC:
In my opinion, I'm wasting my time if I go back and forth on a forum with you. We followed rules, we stuck to what the laws stated and you were arrested for a valid reason. Under no circumstances did we not follow any laws or violate any of the Limelight rules. My sincere apologies if you feel your night was ruined, I truly appreciate that you may be dis-heartend that your night was ruined by me.
To simply put it, we raided your friends house due to highwalls / blocked windows. You happily admitted it was your friends house and made a mistake by telling us your house was next door. We did our jobs, you're an associate of a criminal. We're going to search you also.
Have a lovely rest of your evening.
Best Wishes,
I saw this happening. I saw that the SWAT unit rushing into 1 richard drive, the house that had nothing to do with 3 richard drive. I saw that there were no windows and no fences. And you said that you were searching the whole perameter? Then why didn't you search my house? I support this PR!
The problem is not 3 Richard Drive in this PR, the problem is 1 Richard Drive. You're just mudding the waters now without proving any evidence.
"Thirdy, because we explained to you why we raided the properties (Which we didn't need to as Staff never asked us to.) you then went on to insult me in OOC because you didn't get your own way. See below:"
You searched the house because of a OOC?
As we prove evidence of you breaking 12.1 then you have to provide evidence that you are not guilty. So I would request evidence of the 911 call that said that we had contrabands. You cannot just say anything without proving it, we have video and screenshots but what do you have? Therefore, I find it quite funny that you call this PR nonsense.
(Dec 25, 2017, 11:16 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ]Firstly, this PR is absolute nonsense.
I'm going to address the issue at hand.
Your main house, 3 Rich Dr. You had Blocked Windows and a dupe that bought up elevators that was high walls. Now, see the link below you'll see in the screenshot the laws that illegalized the said blocked windows and highwalls (Under "Buildings section"). I don't need to comment further on this as I followed the Presidents laws at this said time.
Laws Evidence:
Secondly; You say we random raided 1 Rich Dr. You, Zoom, admitted to being an associate of the male who had blocked windows and guided us to your house exclaiming the tiny white house was yours - big mistake. We get a call about Contraband to 3 Richard Dr, we're going to search ANY associates house involved with whom ever the house belongs to. There is no reason why you needed to post this PR. You simply can't comprehend that we followed A) The laws and B) Responded to a /911 call that a citizen had made to Police / SWAT which we did explain to you in OOC.
Noted, we cuffed you. I even explain "I'm cuffing you for my safety and my officers saftey including any citizens in the area". I did no wrong in cuffing you as you were potentially armed should you have been doing Contraband, which you were. I will point out you've used a wrong rule in your PR also.
Thirdy, because we explained to you why we raided the properties (Which we didn't need to as Staff never asked us to.) you then went on to insult me in OOC because you didn't get your own way. See below:
Insults in OOC:
In my opinion, I'm wasting my time if I go back and forth on a forum with you. We followed rules, we stuck to what the laws stated and you were arrested for a valid reason. Under no circumstances did we not follow any laws or violate any of the Limelight rules. My sincere apologies if you feel your night was ruined, I truly appreciate that you may be dis-heartend that your night was ruined by me.
To simply put it, we raided your friends house due to highwalls / blocked windows. You happily admitted it was your friends house and made a mistake by telling us your house was next door. We did our jobs, you're an associate of a criminal. We're going to search you also.
Have a lovely rest of your evening.
Best Wishes,
Now you are straight up lying as well. You said I admitted to being his associate? Lie! I never said anything about that, and if you cannot prove that I did it cannot be believed. To add to it, you can see on the video that I never did admit anything.
Now, did I follow you to my house? A swat unit just went straight to my house and I went after him after he was trying to open my door. The video evidence shows all of this.
Please refrain from lying when video evidence exists.
(Dec 25, 2017, 11:21 PM)ZooM Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 25, 2017, 11:16 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ]Firstly, this PR is absolute nonsense.
I'm going to address the issue at hand.
Your main house, 3 Rich Dr. You had Blocked Windows and a dupe that bought up elevators that was high walls. Now, see the link below you'll see in the screenshot the laws that illegalized the said blocked windows and highwalls (Under "Buildings section"). I don't need to comment further on this as I followed the Presidents laws at this said time.
Laws Evidence:
Secondly; You say we random raided 1 Rich Dr. You, Zoom, admitted to being an associate of the male who had blocked windows and guided us to your house exclaiming the tiny white house was yours - big mistake. We get a call about Contraband to 3 Richard Dr, we're going to search ANY associates house involved with whom ever the house belongs to. There is no reason why you needed to post this PR. You simply can't comprehend that we followed A) The laws and B) Responded to a /911 call that a citizen had made to Police / SWAT which we did explain to you in OOC.
Noted, we cuffed you. I even explain "I'm cuffing you for my safety and my officers saftey including any citizens in the area". I did no wrong in cuffing you as you were potentially armed should you have been doing Contraband, which you were. I will point out you've used a wrong rule in your PR also.
Thirdy, because we explained to you why we raided the properties (Which we didn't need to as Staff never asked us to.) you then went on to insult me in OOC because you didn't get your own way. See below:
Insults in OOC:
In my opinion, I'm wasting my time if I go back and forth on a forum with you. We followed rules, we stuck to what the laws stated and you were arrested for a valid reason. Under no circumstances did we not follow any laws or violate any of the Limelight rules. My sincere apologies if you feel your night was ruined, I truly appreciate that you may be dis-heartend that your night was ruined by me.
To simply put it, we raided your friends house due to highwalls / blocked windows. You happily admitted it was your friends house and made a mistake by telling us your house was next door. We did our jobs, you're an associate of a criminal. We're going to search you also.
Have a lovely rest of your evening.
Best Wishes,
Now you are straight up lying as well. You said I admitted to being his associate? Lie! I never said anything about that, and if you cannot prove that I did it cannot be believed. To add to it, you can see on the video that I never did admit anything.
Now, did I follow you to my house? A swat unit just went straight to my house and I went after him after he was trying to open my door. The video evidence shows all of this.
Please refrain from lying when video evidence exists.
I think you need to excuse yourself. Making false accusations that I'm lying is extremely wrong. Your evidence is as good as me launching a rocket to space for NASA, awful. 90% of the video wasn't English so I can't even comment on what you're saying to me. My points that I made were correct. You cannot call me a liar unless you can prove to me I am. Other than that, your opinion of me lying is void in my eyes.
Doesn't matter if most of it isn't English, it does prove that you broke 12.1 which is why we posted it not for you to listen to Swedish. You have 6 REP and enough hours to know that you broke 12.1 so stop lying. We have witnesses, screenshots, and videos what do you have? Like I said, you're just muddying the water right now and you are not providing any evidence whatsoever.
I also suspect the violation of 3.6 which is meta-gaming as you searched his house because you saw in our job titles that we were in the same gang. The 3.6 violation is up to the staff, but the 12.1 is very clear. Please prove evidence that you are not guilty, for example, a screenshot of the 911 call.
(Dec 25, 2017, 11:29 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 25, 2017, 11:21 PM)ZooM Wrote: [ -> ] (Dec 25, 2017, 11:16 PM)IVIrCheetham Wrote: [ -> ]Firstly, this PR is absolute nonsense.
I'm going to address the issue at hand.
Your main house, 3 Rich Dr. You had Blocked Windows and a dupe that bought up elevators that was high walls. Now, see the link below you'll see in the screenshot the laws that illegalized the said blocked windows and highwalls (Under "Buildings section"). I don't need to comment further on this as I followed the Presidents laws at this said time.
Laws Evidence:
Secondly; You say we random raided 1 Rich Dr. You, Zoom, admitted to being an associate of the male who had blocked windows and guided us to your house exclaiming the tiny white house was yours - big mistake. We get a call about Contraband to 3 Richard Dr, we're going to search ANY associates house involved with whom ever the house belongs to. There is no reason why you needed to post this PR. You simply can't comprehend that we followed A) The laws and B) Responded to a /911 call that a citizen had made to Police / SWAT which we did explain to you in OOC.
Noted, we cuffed you. I even explain "I'm cuffing you for my safety and my officers saftey including any citizens in the area". I did no wrong in cuffing you as you were potentially armed should you have been doing Contraband, which you were. I will point out you've used a wrong rule in your PR also.
Thirdy, because we explained to you why we raided the properties (Which we didn't need to as Staff never asked us to.) you then went on to insult me in OOC because you didn't get your own way. See below:
Insults in OOC:
In my opinion, I'm wasting my time if I go back and forth on a forum with you. We followed rules, we stuck to what the laws stated and you were arrested for a valid reason. Under no circumstances did we not follow any laws or violate any of the Limelight rules. My sincere apologies if you feel your night was ruined, I truly appreciate that you may be dis-heartend that your night was ruined by me.
To simply put it, we raided your friends house due to highwalls / blocked windows. You happily admitted it was your friends house and made a mistake by telling us your house was next door. We did our jobs, you're an associate of a criminal. We're going to search you also.
Have a lovely rest of your evening.
Best Wishes,
Now you are straight up lying as well. You said I admitted to being his associate? Lie! I never said anything about that, and if you cannot prove that I did it cannot be believed. To add to it, you can see on the video that I never did admit anything.
Now, did I follow you to my house? A swat unit just went straight to my house and I went after him after he was trying to open my door. The video evidence shows all of this.
Please refrain from lying when video evidence exists.
I think you need to excuse yourself. Making false accusations that I'm lying is extremely wrong. Your evidence is as good as me launching a rocket to space for NASA, awful. 90% of the video wasn't English so I can't even comment on what you're saying to me. My points that I made were correct. You cannot call me a liar unless you can prove to me I am. Other than that, your opinion of me lying is void in my eyes.
Oh my god. I can picture the admins laughing at this post. I just looked through the video twice, and I never admitted to being his friend, at least not before the search. If you strongly think, despite the video not showing any of it, that I did admit it, please give me the timestamps in the video where I do that.