Nov 27, 2017, 02:22 PM
Explain your suggestion, in detail: Change the Courthouse to a form based system rather than a template based system. Forcing users to fill out a form containing all the mandatory template information which will then be automatically submitted as a thread.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: This will assist new users that wish to make a Courthouse Request as well as save staff time telling users that post without the template to repost, thus taking time out to re-review the thread at a later date.
Example Wrote:
- User clicks "New Courthouse Request"
- User selects Ban Request
- User is taken to a form to fill in Offenders SteamID, Name, Time/Date, Which rule the offender broke and provide evidence
- User submits the form
- A thread is created in the relevant section with all information from the form.
Explain why the suggestion should be implemented: This will assist new users that wish to make a Courthouse Request as well as save staff time telling users that post without the template to repost, thus taking time out to re-review the thread at a later date.