Hello to everyone hope you are all doing well, now.
I have been gone for quite sometimeĀ and i am now back after sorting out a severely broken PC which was a pain but i pushed through 2 weeks of mind bogaling videos, Threads and other sites
now on the topic of discussion i will not be jumping on for about 1-3 days so i am just woundering about any changes (if there is a patch notes page send me the link thanks) and updates for added content just so i can get an idea of what i might do when i next jump on.
thank you all and see you soon
Dunno when these were added, but New firetrucks, new emergency vehicles and skins, Attachable ELS / Amber warning lights to most of the vehicles, pretty sure you can find a thread of full adds in the updates section on the forums.
You can find the changelogs
is still into wine and redheads. Total cutie who's neglected me for a long time. I need mushu, Faust.
I'm still into anything phallic.
is still into weeb shit (god save us all). His activity is making me look like a rotten ass.
is into goats as usual. Can't blame him. Still looks cute with glasses
is himself, still buying underwear online from the other admins. He smells surprisingly nice though.
is still inactive. kek
has yet to be eaten by spiders in Australia. Still as bitchy but cute as a motherfucker.
still got gains for days and has the greatest ass on the admin team no joke.
has actually stuck with his name for a surprising amount of time. Name-change is bound to happen soon though.
is putting out fires and is constantly talking about vehicles like they're his biggest love in life (beside me)
is still coding like he's on meth. Crazy guy, has a good beard going. Still into doing ERP with me but I keep resisting.
The Off-topics staff-update was delivered by yours truly,
papa Erik 'SmellLikeTuna' Enzyme
Its an alpaca you Swedish Fuck
Call me swedish one more time you mothereffer and you'll have an alpacalypse on your hands.
I was actually thinking of changing my name.
Thanks to everyone who has commented and helped me, looks like alot of cool stuff and cant wait to do some goverment rp and do the damn bank rp me and were going to do before my pc got fu*ked up but i will be happy to be able to make a return soon and again thank you to everyone who posted info
see ya soon
And a shit load of contributers now as well to give you those dodgy updates
Wait what
is Swedish :O well.....
Wait. Isn't from Finland? Atleast last time i checked he was.
(Oct 31, 2017, 12:27 AM)T-Bone Wrote: [ -> ]Wait. Isn't from Finland? Atleast last time i checked he was.
I bet his birth certificate was done in pencil and
changed it for him to "Swedish fuck"
Norway and Sweden are basically Denmark. #KalmarUnion
(Oct 31, 2017, 12:27 AM)T-Bone Wrote: [ -> ]Wait. Isn't from Finland? Atleast last time i checked he was.
Nah he's from Sweden. Remind him of this everytime you see him