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Full Version: Limit the steroid-usage
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Suggestion Type: In-game
Explain your suggestion, 

Limit the usage of steroids.
Either by having a limit per minute, or by adding an limit where you overdose/loose health after X used.
You could also add that you would have to stand still for 5 seconds, forexample.

Explain why the suggestion should be implemented:

This should be implimented for a couple of reasons:

1. The fact that you could run from the police while shooting steroids is unrealistic.
2. Too much use of steroids would lead to cardiac-problems afaik.
3. Basically gives you advantage towards forexample cops who might not have steroids, and who should not use it at all due their job.

I made a suggestion similar to this regarding healthpacks but it was voted down due the fact that "it would be possible in reae life."

But I have seen cops (and been cop) several times losing criminals by being outrun, basically because the criminal has a hotkey to steroids, and just press it as sttamina reaches zero.

If you want to RP properly as a cop, you won't use steroids as cops wouldn't be allowed to do so.

I'd actually put the steroid-use in-chase as failRP, due the fact that shooting steroid with a syringe would take time, and pills would not work "that fast".

Put up some kind of limit to usage, "stand still for 5 seconds" or overdosage.
- support

It's never been an issue and never will.
You're suggesting it only affects cops, it affects everyone.

Key binds make garry's mod more enjoyable, I can see your point, but it's much bigger than just popping steroids.

If we were to knuckle down on steroid popping, why leave out ammo binds?
Vehicle binds, ceramic, first aid, clothing even. These would all affect cops, no?

Having an ammo bind would give you access to the whole amount in inventory, how would this be fair?
Having a vehicle on bind to quick spawn when running from cops, how is this fair?
Health kits on bind, purposely for raids, how is this fair?
12 gauge ammo and a shotgun on bind, how the f*ck would that be fair? xD

It's a great suggestion, but can easily be fixed!

-=-=Bind your own steroids =-=-

Use x amount in 10-15 minutes and have a hazy view, drink again and loose a bit of HP, use more and pass out for 1-2 minutes, use even more and risk getting injured or passing out for a longer period of time.

Tired of having to get in a car because the guy running won't stop jamming a drug into his arm.

Basically add what Project said.

+Support regarding overdosing.

-Support regarding making people stand still, if you have ever seen it and weren't the unfortunate victim you would realise it's quite funny, and the server needs more fun - even minor things like this.
- Support

Though I agree it can be annoying, steroids have always been the same, they are fine as they are.

The only change we could see would be if steroids had a long lasting effect on an individual's running capabilities.
-support i like being usain bolt
(Oct 13, 2017, 03:29 AM)SourLemon Wrote: [ -> ]-support i like being usain bolt
(Oct 11, 2017, 02:13 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]+Support

Use x amount in 10-15 minutes and have a hazy view, drink again and loose a bit of HP, use more and pass out for 1-2 minutes, use even more and risk getting injured or passing out for a longer period of time.
+support. This would be a long needed balance change, and would close the gap between the people with the most money winning in combat situations.
(Oct 18, 2017, 08:57 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]-Support
Due to a high level of community support, this suggestion has been moved to the Popular section.
Pages: 1 2