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Full Version: Bambo promoted to Admin
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Cheesiest VPN admin on LL

Congrats bby <3

He was less annoying down in Moderator..
Now he won't stop being pain in the ass as an Admin.

Ah well, good job you Turkish Kebab
Congratz Smile

You deserved it Big GrinD
All hail admin Kebab Bambo the grate!
bad media manager
bad mod
bad admin
pls permban.

Joking, of course. Congratulations on all you've done so far, and good luck in what you do now.
luv u bubu
congrats nerd
Congratulations Bambo, well deserved and earned, I knew you would get here in the end <3
(Sep 7, 2017, 11:26 AM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Congratulations Bambo, well deserved and earned, I knew you would get here in the end <3

hey its not the end there's still SA and owner dud
Finaly, honestly most deservent of this.
Grats! Well deserved! Big Grin
About time too!

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