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Full Version: Bambo promoted to Admin
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Congratz Bambo! I remember you as a great player so well deserved
[Image: M07tKZS.gif]
So happy to see this <3 good job Bambo
don't try to start a coup
(Sep 5, 2017, 07:44 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]don't try to start a coup


If I could still +rep for posts this would get one
My Kebambo! Congratulations!
2 me (Well done on your promotion!)
Wohoo! Gratz! :3
[Image: 0e19ee801f8f15c671166367b35a7171.png][Image: 3fa8ec5106bc24edbb77e9e3f300be23.png][Image: 7934d4bb470b552bdf869bb87c545067.png]evidence that he is the fastest kebab[Image: a9b3d972c0cd8ebf369b48181825ef64.png]
Congratulations bby :*
Congrats !
You deserve that spot!
About damn time, no doubt you will excel in this role.
Congrats Bamboobies!
Let's hope your better as an admin than as a graphics designers

Lol jk luv u bb. You'll do good
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