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Full Version: Demotion of Dig
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Hello community, 

Unfortunately, I have to announce that Dig has been moved out from his Moderator position due to inactivity. Dig has served with us for a long time in total, but he was unfortunately not able to make time for Limelight. We thank him once more for his job as a staff-member here on Limelight and we wish him the very best.

Dig will once more get his Veteran-tag due to him having served here on Limelight as an Administrator.
Rip Dig
More space for meeeeeee
(Aug 31, 2017, 11:47 PM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ]More space for meeeeeee

Dont know who he is, but R.I.P., cause why not!
Shame, good moderator when he was on.
Dig was a great person to talk to and one hell of a moderator. We had so many roleplay ideas that I wish we had done. It was great working with you Diggy and I really dig your voice. You were a great friend, one that I hope I don't lose contact with. Good luck in life
I blame the Democrats.
It is a shame to see you go Dig. You've been a part of this community for a long time now. I hope you come back someday when you have some time off and get that bug back.
Shame to see you go, here's a little something in your honour. Never forget 
Never heard.
Dig. It's been a while. We used to talk, we didn't.

You came back, we talked, and you died.

Rest in peace, let your name always be immortalised through /chemical
i had never spoken to him, but farewell
Farewell Dig the Radio Voice
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