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Full Version: Demotion of Dig
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Sad to see you go, Dig, but it was expected. I hope HR was able to contact you properly and make sure everything's okay. Try and pop back into the community once in a while when time frees up a bit!
(Sep 1, 2017, 09:27 AM)Doctor Internet Wrote: [ -> ]Dig. It's been a while. We used to talk, we didn't.

You came back, we talked, and you died.

Rest in peace, let your name always be immortalised through /chemical
Oh yeah, almost forgot, here is todays chemical list
I'm very very sad... some of my favorite RP moments were with you... although I was expecting this cause you told me it still saddens me to see you go and I hope you stay in touch!
Goodluck in the future
Goodbye old pal,

You helped me a while back when I was starting out making music - hoping you come back some day <3
All dez new kids not knowing who dig is

it was nice having you dig shame it had to end this way, hope to see you in the future.
(Sep 1, 2017, 06:32 PM)Rocket Wrote: [ -> ]All dez new kids not knowing who dig Laurenz is

Still remember the day on FL you shouted at me because i didn't know what pastrami was and you gave me $150k to go 'buy some pastrami'

Sad to see you go, hope you'll come back soon my friend<3
Didn't really meet you dig, but hey at least I will always know what you sound like with /chemical.
(Aparently your voice is sexy I forgot who told me this thoughSad)
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