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(Aug 19, 2017, 10:47 AM)IsThisaNewFLRP? Wrote: [ -> ]

In the case of him changing jobs, it was done either because he was asked by me to step down from his job or to "Avoid RP/Arrest"
Because of you
These are all the people who saw his side and also the people who heard about it. A lot of these people where never involved and just heard it in occ. no one saw my side because no one experience it .
Would you mind posting what happened on your side, please?
This report has gone on long enough and everyone involved has stated a different perspective of the incident.

Mitch, you are required to remain in-game if you are directly involved in an active, on-going RP situation (IC arrest). In regards to driving around, while it isn't stated in the rules you were advised by that, no, you shouldn't drive around without security.

Quote:You shouldn't really be going round the city by yourself, no.

Report reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding D/C to avoid arrest.
Suspension will be applied for one day.

[L²] Nacreas
Server Administrative Team
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