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Full Version: Allow all classes to use the crafted taser
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+Support to no limits
     The taser-related schematics are quite expensive, and not to mention the components are quite hard to get anyways, so it shouldn't easily fall into a minge's hands, especially not as a cheaper alternative that guns already are. Also, it's only capable of tasing one unarmed person before needing a reload (which requires more expensive components), so I fail to see much abuse happening with it without any limitations such as the current pass restriction or REPs.
+Support with:

A small Gov REP lock
Requires a pass of RED/GREEN/BLUE
Only does have the time of a police Taser

Meh, didn't really know this and after talking to Internet on it, I think it would be good for it to be available.
(Aug 5, 2017, 01:40 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]+Support with:

A small Gov REP lock
Requires a pass of RED/GREEN/BLUE
Only does have the time of a police taser

thats literally what the taser is right now...
(Aug 5, 2017, 01:40 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]+Support with:

A small Gov REP lock
Requires a pass of RED/GREEN/BLUE
Only does have the time of a police taser

Yeaaaaa noooooooooo, its already this and that already doesnt make sense, you hand build the tazer and all its parts yourself, why would it need anything other than you pulling the trigger to make it work?

We're not here yet, but one dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Push this into, uh, staff, uh, review?
(Aug 3, 2017, 07:58 PM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]+support, but I'd introduce a REP limit.

(Aug 6, 2017, 11:50 PM)Memeboisxd Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 3, 2017, 07:58 PM)Blazing Wrote: [ -> ]+support, but I'd introduce a REP limit.

Eh, not quite abusable I don't believe, so I don't believe the limit is necessary, but I also don't want to merrily accept a REP limit just because I have some REPs already.
Moving to Popular.
Uh, more like moving to finished and releasing the change next restart.
Uh, bump-ish. This should totally be in staff review with the overwhelming popularity of it. 24-nil. Everybody should post here some more.
Pushing for Staff Review.
Gov Pass restriction removed in Revision 4688.
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