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Full Version: Allow to spawn Evocity props
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Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>

In detail, explain your suggestion: Allow to spawn Evocity props

Why should this be implemented? There is alot of useful props. For example Vehicle lift for Mechanic roleplays. Why did those even got removed?
+ Support

While I had many complaints about how the EvoCity maps and buildings were laid out, the props in them were beautiful and extremely useful in a wide range of RPs.

I suspect not being able to spawn them is an overlooked symptom of the map change, so if a workaround could be made to let us use them, that would be GREAT!
+SUPPORT Yes PLEASE, we were able to spawn rockford models on evo so we should be able to spawn evo models on rockford
definatly. Props like for example the burger king diner benches etc are vital and unique for good passive rp contruction
+support pls

This seems like a bug tbh.
+support so that attention is called to the thead because people don't realize that simply voting in the poll doesn't help all that much.
+Support, several hundred of my dupes include EvoCity props and they won't spawn correctly anymore.
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