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[Image: vL7NjtS.png]
City of Rockford
Police Department

What do we do?
Here at the Rockford Police Department, we have made it our mission to safeguard the lives and property of the people we serve, to reduce and eradicate the occurrence and fear of crimes, and to boost public safety whilst working with Rockford's diverse communities to improve their quality of life - we have sworn to do all this with honour and integrity. We conduct ourselves with the highest ethical standards to maintain the confidence of the public.

Internal Ranking
Trooper’s are normal police officers who run their day to day job and following whatever the Chief orders them to do. They normally patrol, respond to pursuits and help fellow officers who are in distress.

The corporal’s work alongside Trooper’s and other officers within the force to uphold order within the city. They’re expected to patrol as normal, and respond to any calls as needed. Whilst they outrank troopers, they may not respond to any supervisor needed calls.

As a sergeant you relay orders from the Lieutenant and give the orders to the rest of the force. The sergeant also supervises the lower ranking officers. When there is a big event you would be the first one on scene.

Detectives investigate and examine dead bodies as well as investigating crime scenes. They work closely alongside other units to ensure forensic examinations are thoroughly conducted and then documented for records. The role of a detective is “as-needed”, meaning you may be able to hold another rank alongside this.

Sergeant Major
The sergeant major’s of the police force take charge of supervisory roles when none are available, but they are expected to document their encounters. Apart from this, they can handle citizen complaints about crimes and pass them down the chain to the other units to ensure thorough investigation takes place.

The lieutenant is the first rank which introduces offers to a supervisory position. Lieutenants are expected to uphold stellar conduct, whilst maintaining absolute professionalism. They’ll also be expected to be out in the field, responding to any situation which may require a supervisor. In extreme cases, they can be forwarded on to the Captain for further escalation.

The captain of the police force is responsible for training new recruits and ensuring that they’re up to scratch with all applicable training. They will be the first line of contact if an officer has an issue.

Deputy Chief 
The deputy chief is the chief’s right hand man. When the chief is either busy, unavailable or missing, the deputy will take lead of the force to ensure order. When this isn’t the case, the deputy chief will also assist in corruption allegations and work closely alongside the chief to ensure goals are met.

Chief of Police 
The chief is in charge of the entire police force, and routinely investigates any allegations of corruption and oversees the operations to ensure proper conduct is achieved. Where applicable, the chief will also be responsible for communicating with the President and Press in the event of a national disaster.

The Rockford Police Department is highly regarded amongst residents of the great City of Rockford. The RPD offers exceptional careers in many areas of law enforcement for men and women from all backgrounds. If you're looking for a career, not just a job, the RPD is the place for you.

Click here to apply
[Applications will be available in the next recruitment session (mid-october)]

Credits to:     for the help they provided.
Thread cleared by OP's request.
Shouldn't this be RPD?
I have officially been won over by: The Rockford Civil Protection Dept. | Makes the most sense to me.

Yeah it should be RPD. Shoutout to Wesley for the white Ink idea
cleared more like purged
8 days later
It wouldn't be this inactive if it said RPD
(Aug 14, 2017, 07:13 AM)Monkey Wrote: [ -> ]

There is no need for this? I am on vacation, I will update the thread when I am back.
(Aug 14, 2017, 09:59 AM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug 14, 2017, 07:13 AM)Monkey Wrote: [ -> ]

There is no need for this? I am on vacation, I will update the thread when I am back.

Sorry but it said 2-3 days. Sry, I didn't know.
Pretty long vacation....
I expected more for this wait time but it still looks nice for what it is.
(Sep 16, 2017, 01:30 PM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]I expected more for this wait time but it still looks nice for what it is.

There's a lot that has happened behind the scenes, including but not limited to policies, backstory, an actual ticketing system and communication practises. Glad you like the look of it though!
I think this should be in the clan section
(Sep 16, 2017, 03:52 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep 16, 2017, 01:30 PM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]I expected more for this wait time but it still looks nice for what it is.

There's a lot that has happened behind the scenes, including but not limited to policies, backstory, an actual ticketing system and communication practises. Glad you like the look of it though!

What I more meant for that was that for it being almost only text it looks amazing and well made. I just expected images and such but im still impressed.
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