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Full Version: City of Rockford Police Department
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Pages: 1 2
(Sep 16, 2017, 05:17 PM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep 16, 2017, 03:52 PM)Nightmare Wrote: [ -> ]
(Sep 16, 2017, 01:30 PM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]I expected more for this wait time but it still looks nice for what it is.

There's a lot that has happened behind the scenes, including but not limited to policies, backstory, an actual ticketing system and communication practises. Glad you like the look of it though!

What I more meant for that was that for it being almost only text it looks amazing and well made. I just expected images and such but im still impressed.

Honestly, I would had expected the same for the time it took, will try to get some appropriate graphics at some point soon.
Looks nice, Project!
fun fact: banned users can still be useful..

OT: Good Luck, shame I coudln't be there throughout the entire creation process.
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