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Full Version: Manufacturing time
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Suggestion: Manufacturing time

Suggestion for:

In detail, explain your suggestion:
No.1 = Turn the timer for manufacturing goods from 25 to 20 seconds for every player.
No.2 = Turn the timer for manufacturing goods from 25 to 15 seconds for membership owners.

Why should this be implemented?
Everyone of us knows the awful timer between manufacturing goods. The timer is too high in my opinion and should get nerfed. This helps some passive RP because you don't need to wait 100 years (only 50 now) to manufacture goods. It's a pain in the ass if you're a chef and there comes some guy *cough cough* which wants to buy 10 shipments of food (or scotch for sours SWAT character).
EXcuuuuse me. I purchased 4 Shipments thank you very much.

I believe it should be 25 for Players and 20 for Membership. (Neutral/+Support)
Updated poll.
+support, but only for #2. We need to add real incentives for players to buy membership.
Reduced both non-member and membership manufacture delay in Revision 4456. Marking as finished.