Jul 26, 2017, 02:22 PM
Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>:
In detail, explain your suggestion: Add new player models for police and SWAT to allow RP'ing other groups such as sheriff/state troopers, FBI SWAT, USMS and so on.
I propose the following clothing packs, with the following requirements:
1) Sheriff Uniform:
Either the VCPD pack (
![[Image: 822533E59E1A1444478ED8D50BEAE5CA9A0B85DE]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/158032285455264001/822533E59E1A1444478ED8D50BEAE5CA9A0B85DE/)
or the retro CHP pack (
![[Image: A19C30CD0286137578402262C2408A09D534D0A0]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/158027756672432825/A19C30CD0286137578402262C2408A09D534D0A0/)
I'd prefer no restriction, but a 1 Gov REP could be required to use them.
For the first option, if ceramic plating is equipped it should show the plate carrier on your player model.
2) Multicam Uniform for SWAT. (
This is an US Army GTAV port. It could be used for RP'ing as the National Guard, FBI SWAT or any other LEA utilising Patriot Act lend-lease. Could have, if needed, the same requirements as the Heavy Armour suit or more.
![[Image: DDC48B6B71160920AD418F4F81C21F40D09D92C5]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/158027756674788349/DDC48B6B71160920AD418F4F81C21F40D09D92C5/)
3) Update on female officers. (
They still use the old, FL-era skins.
![[Image: 43C444E21B12818E6CC95CD4DFE972395559B697]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/165906247202144385/43C444E21B12818E6CC95CD4DFE972395559B697/)
Why should this be implemented?
Right now, with our current skin choice, it is hard to role-play as anything besides metro cops or metro SWAT. Knowing that Evo apart from a small city is a mostly rural state, and that Rockford has vast rural areas, it would be good in my opinion to have the availability of other police/LEA RP's.
Optional Additions: have player models set by the SUPV instead of the players, or even the president.
In detail, explain your suggestion: Add new player models for police and SWAT to allow RP'ing other groups such as sheriff/state troopers, FBI SWAT, USMS and so on.
I propose the following clothing packs, with the following requirements:
1) Sheriff Uniform:
Either the VCPD pack (
or the retro CHP pack (
I'd prefer no restriction, but a 1 Gov REP could be required to use them.
For the first option, if ceramic plating is equipped it should show the plate carrier on your player model.
2) Multicam Uniform for SWAT. (
This is an US Army GTAV port. It could be used for RP'ing as the National Guard, FBI SWAT or any other LEA utilising Patriot Act lend-lease. Could have, if needed, the same requirements as the Heavy Armour suit or more.
3) Update on female officers. (
They still use the old, FL-era skins.
Why should this be implemented?
Right now, with our current skin choice, it is hard to role-play as anything besides metro cops or metro SWAT. Knowing that Evo apart from a small city is a mostly rural state, and that Rockford has vast rural areas, it would be good in my opinion to have the availability of other police/LEA RP's.
Optional Additions: have player models set by the SUPV instead of the players, or even the president.