So I made this cool picture, I want your Guys opinions Is it good?
Does it need any changing?
I want to put this as my Background image for my PC.
I think you made a bit too much post-processing. I'm not a fan of the filter - it doesn't really fit the theme.
You should also turn the fog off and use a sky so it's not just a black plane.
In the end there aren't enough people around for a traffic crash and setup looks to clean and linear.
I do like the ragdoll edit tho.
I guess this one of your first screenshots? The practice will come with the time so keep it up
If you need some ideas then you can take a look at this thread - a lot of good screenshots...
Looks nice man, personally i think if you like it you should make it your background
personally i'd maybe try and fix the sky and change the colours but thats up to you
New picture, No filters, New model, also added a Chopper In the background.
(Jul 3, 2017, 07:38 PM)BIGBOSS 2K15 Wrote: [ -> ]
New picture, No filters, New model, also added a Chopper In the background.
Problem for me is mostly the map and the resolution.
(Jul 2, 2017, 09:42 PM)BIGBOSS 2K15 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi!!!
So I made this cool picture, I want your Guys opinions Is it good?
Does it need any changing?
I want to put this as my Background image for my PC.
- Fog washes out the color even more, remove it and replace with Post-Processing DoF.
- Needs to be a bit sharper.
- Pick a focal point. I don't know what is supposed to be the center of attention, so I'm looking from the blurred out officer, to the blurred out fireman.
- Saturate the picture.
- Higher contrast.
- Lower brightness until colors POP.
- No idea what happened, but that sky tho.
(Jul 3, 2017, 07:38 PM)BIGBOSS 2K15 Wrote: [ -> ]
New picture, No filters, New model, also added a Chopper In the background.
Better as it isn't washed out with white, but the resolution gives me a headache.
Also, you could've done without the heli.
All in all this is way better than the edited version, but work on the resolution.