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Full Version: Cool Picture?
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(Jul 3, 2017, 07:38 PM)BIGBOSS 2K15 Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 563fa32eb4e3e0e70f6a42485a499542.jpg]

New picture, No filters, New model, also added a Chopper In the background.


I miss the barrier, it was great to add depth to the image. You should also shoot in in a better resolution. Other than that: way better.
(Jul 3, 2017, 01:29 PM)Rizion Wrote: [ -> ]I think you made a bit too much post-processing. I'm not a fan of the filter - it doesn't really fit the theme.
You should also turn the fog off and use a sky so it's not just a black plane.
In the end there aren't enough people around for a traffic crash and setup looks to clean and linear.
I do like the ragdoll edit tho. 
I guess this one of your first screenshots? The practice will come with the time so keep it up Smile 
If you need some ideas then you can take a look at this thread - a lot of good screenshots...

This, but keep up the practicing m8!
christ ol mighty this has been... interesting.. i am disgusted by what i took XDD
2 years later
pls no necropost


necroposting is bad,
following rules is rad,
if you don't follow rools u mak me mad >Sad
Pages: 1 2