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Full Version: Changes to /it
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Suggestion for in-game

In detail, explain your suggestion: Include the IC or OOC name of whoever executed the /it command.

Current Format: ** You find a cellphone in the back pocket. **

Suggested Formats: 
** You find a cellphone in the back pocket. ** (Project)
** You find a cellphone in the back pocket. ** (Irina 'Fox' N. Levkin)
Incase of an emitter:
** As you take steps you can hear glass crunching ** (Emitter)
** As you take steps you can hear glass crunching ** (Project - Emitter)
** As you take steps you can hear glass crunching ** (Irina 'Fox' N. Levkin - Emitter)

Why should this be implemented? Avoid the abuse of /it command when it is used with more than two people around you.
+support if you put the playerid there
+Support but only with player/steamID
Seems a bit obnoxious. Keep it how it is. Staff can still see where it's coming from besides. Changes will be made to the /it emitter
(Jun 26, 2017, 12:36 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Seems a bit obnoxious. Keep it how it is. Staff can still see where it's coming from besides. Changes will be made to the /it emitter

Why have to implicate a staff member to make sure who did that /it. /me includes the name of whoever takes the action. Same should happen to /it.
Personally it would bother me. Instead we could draw the name of the person in console, but not in chat
(Jun 26, 2017, 12:58 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Personally it would bother me. Instead we could draw the name of the person in console, but not in chat

If there is a way to make sure who does a /it, i'm okay with it even if it is on the console.
(Jun 26, 2017, 12:58 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Personally it would bother me. Instead we could draw the name of the person in console, but not in chat
(Jun 26, 2017, 01:26 PM)Nebula Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jun 26, 2017, 12:58 PM)Daley Wrote: [ -> ]Personally it would bother me. Instead we could draw the name of the person in console, but not in chat
+support for the daley1234 said.
Approved. Name/ID will be added to console.
UserID now shows up in console when a /it is done.
Added in Revision 4600.