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Full Version: Remove all arrests being in-character
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I like the idea but people would complain all the time and no arrest would go fluently.

'I holstered my gun you have no evidence this is a random arrest'

- support
theres not realy a thing such as rda (ususally you are confused for a suspect, the officer lacks the experience to conduct its arrest correctly etc.)
any thing that poses a rule break can already be dealt with in ooc. Anything that does not pose a rule break is nothing else but realistic mistakes, confusion etc. that can be dealt with in character
It isn't RDA if the president accepts it.
(Jun 26, 2017, 11:17 PM)Stell90 Wrote: [ -> ]-support,
It isn't RDA if the president accepts it.

So suddenly the president actually reads his warrants? He couldn't care less how long people go in for or what for

I'm late in this discussion, but Project is on the right track here. From a player perspective you are correct, it is very annoying when you are just standing around, then tazed, cuffed and arrested without a word. But as stated you can protest, etc, etc.

Your response to the suggestion to RP it out if, to be blunt, a bit sad.

People don't RP? So I'm not going to RP? That just makes it worse. If you don't like the fact that people don't RP, make an example, show them how it is done. Yes, there are minges that just don't care, but you know what? You may have enlightened a few others in the process. You are encouraging RP by doing that.

As staff, it seems half of our reports today is RDA claims, the other half RDM. RDA is a claim that we really don't enforce because it can be RP'd out. Now, there are a few cases where it is blatantly obvious and is dealt with. We don't ignore the claims, we do research and watch. But neither do we really respond to them because it is an IC thing, not OOC.

Do make this a rule will just make the number of reports drastically greater. And really, this is not how staff should operate. We should not interfere with potential RP. Having a sit down with staff after every arrest is made is a big game breaker if RP was actually occurring.

Instead of this being a rule, I agree that something else should be done. A ticket system, removing the magic arrest wand forcing prisoner transport and processing, etc. Something to encourage officers to put more effort into their arrests and discourage them to just smack players to magically remove them from sight.
I completely agree with what you're saying in a sense, i think there should be more work needed by an officer to arrest someone as this would make them only arrest people if they really deserved it. As SirWulf said, right now, you can literally just type a command and smack someone and they disappear which means that the officer doesnt care if you're in the right or wrong because there's no threat to them as it's their word over yours IC.

A whitelist system could potentially work, however, i've even been arrested by players with a high number of hours when i genuinely could not think of something i had done wrong, and usually even if i pretend to not know why in game, i know OOC why they're doing it.

I cop can RP how ever he wants to RP. If it comes to the point that they are breaking the rules, call an admin. If you have made a complaint to the government, and they are not responding, start a protestRP. To get my point across, arrest are IC there is nothing OOC about it. You can start a RP off of someone else's RP.
(Jul 8, 2017, 03:46 PM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]Instead of this being a rule, I agree that something else should be done.  A ticket system, removing the magic arrest wand forcing prisoner transport and processing, etc.  Something to encourage officers to put more effort into their arrests and discourage them to just smack players to magically remove them from sight.

Reviewing people's responses, this would probably be better. Or had it even just been a slight change to the rule leaving arrests still IC, but there must be reasoning behind arrests rather than allowing over 50% of them to be random and then no one RP it out.

What you said about enlightening others with trying to RP it out, the RP can't happen in some cases because others refuse due to laziness, I.E. the President says "Speak to the Sergeant" so I spend 15 minutes alone trying to find the sergeant, then after finally finding him, he says "Get used to it" or "I'll look into it" and then drives off and continues as he normally does, not giving a shit about the RP.
And, if people like myself try and RP (a shop for example), well, where do you every see anyone else try to RP something like that? You don't. If you look, it is the same people doing the same RP's trying to get the community involved but no one cares. The server doesn't have the right environment among the players for any of them to care enough to RP.
(Jul 11, 2017, 12:38 AM)Monkey Wrote: [ -> ]-support

I cop can RP how ever he wants to RP. If it comes to the point that they are breaking the rules, call an admin. If you have made a complaint to the government, and they are not responding, start a protestRP. To get my point across, arrest are IC there is nothing OOC about it. You can start a RP off of someone else's RP.

Going back to the point of me making this suggestion and something I keep mentioning, people don't care about the RP, they come to annoy and piss people off with that being their only objective. Not enough people care about good RP, or even properly doing RP. Have you ever, actually tried to make this 'ProtestRP'? I highly doubt it because for the over 20 times I have tried, not one has been successful because people around me do not care about the RP, and just want to do their own thing. They're not interested in interacting with anyone because they're too busy making money through their drugs.

Everyone seems to have the same logic when -supporting, that either the cop is confused or doesn't know how to do his job. Let's apply this same logic to any other job, a hitman confuses you for another person - RDM. It's like, we can't have people walking around randomly arresting everyone, that's crazy. There needs to be some limitations, not just "oh that's IC" it's like a write off for an underlying issue. Thankfully I haven't experienced random arrest, but if some guy was randomly arresting everyone and an admin said "well sorry that's IC" I'd be triggered af. That's clearly OOC, it's unrealistic and obviously just some minge. I think the real solution to this is to make sure police know what they're doing.

At some point we need to step back and say "how is the average player experience affected by this". Obviously there's a degree of leniency with random arrests, there are honest mistakes or corrupt cops - but allowing some idiot to run around arresting everyone is unnacceptable and should be dealt with, don't umbrella the entire situation with "Oh it's IC". It ruins the experience for many players and is not realistic not acceptable behavior to have on our servers.

All arrest are IC,police sergeant didn't do deal with the complain seriously is also ICly,the president protect the decision made by police sergeant is also ICly.You might just have lied in order to get a officer demoted and no one will know the fact unless you are telling the truth.
+ Support anyways mang

A major problem on the server is the criminal is held to the higher standard. They have to jump through too many hoops to seek justice for false arrests (and in the rare case justice is served, the officer typically comes out on top because justice is simply them being fired). Why should we have to waste so much time to get revenge? Many-a-times a cop will arrest you even if you haven't committed an actual crime and the president will blindly accept it. These interactions can be under a minute with completely made up reasons. Afterwards, the player is left to deal with it by waiting out typically a 15 minute sentence regardless of the crime and then must make his way to complain all of the officer's higher-ups (which are typically ignored because you're some deadbeat lying criminal if you're not a cop, right?) and take up more of your precious time while the officer is still going about not even thinking about what happened 15-20 minutes ago. In most of my experience with this the cop even leaves the server or dies before you get your chance so they can't be held accountable. I believe if cops had to possibly face a more realistic alternative, for example: getting shot by a gangbanger who wants revenge for his bullshit arrest, they'd be less likely to falsely arrest people and there would be less corruption. Anyways, rant over.
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