(Jun 6, 2017, 02:12 PM)Klinex Wrote: [ -> ]Obviously don't make it spread like 30 metres in the space of about 10 seconds because the whole map would go up in flames, give it like a max radius of however many units and have like a 50/50 chance of it spreading even further.
Although as Monkey said, it will probably be hard to create since the world is all 1 object
It's certainly possible. As fires are not created off the world (If I remember correctly), it means that defining the world and fires separately in the code is not required; thus making is easier to code (Not easy to code, just easier)
OT: +support
50/50 i would love to see it srepa although there should be a time limit or similar to avoid forest fires/ to prevent fires from taking over the map during times were no or bad firefighters are avaible
(Jun 21, 2017, 06:47 PM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ]50/50 i would love to see it srepa although there should be a time limit or similar to avoid forest fires/ to prevent fires from taking over the map during times were no or bad firefighters are avaible
Fires do normally run out of stuff to burn, so this needs to be thing.
well that is how I meant it. If the fire runs out after a while it will make it more realistic anyways and the place where the fire started should run out first.
I've wondered why this isn't a thing. Also the time for a fire to end should be around 10 minutes because trees take a long time to burn and tbh who crashes in grass? It is normally the magical trees.
Pushing for Staff Review.