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(May 23, 2017, 09:32 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]Now for evidence that Islamic Law forbids terrorism.


Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

[font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (8:59-60) - [i]"And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy.[/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (9:5) - [i]"So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." [/font][/i][/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (9:14) - [i]"Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of a believing people."[/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (9:29) - [i]"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."[/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (9:30) - [i]"And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!" [/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (9:123) - [i]"O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness."[/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i]

[i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][i][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,][font=Calibri, Candara, Segoe,]Quran (25:52) - [i]"Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness with it."[/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i][/font][/i]
Removed at request of adminman
(May 23, 2017, 11:38 PM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 23, 2017, 09:29 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 23, 2017, 05:48 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ] If there is no peaceful alternative, Islam also allows the use of force, but there are strict rules of engagement. Innocents - such as women, children, or invalids - must never be harmed, and any peaceful overtures from the enemy must be accepted.

Your point? Most calls for violent jihad are not sanctioned by Islam. Perhaps tell the Saudi Wahhabis to stop funding terrorism.
11 women, 17 children dead. Some decapitated, some missing limbs. They don't hurt women or children for sure
(May 24, 2017, 12:25 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]11 women, 17 children dead. Some decapitated, some missing limbs. They don't hurt women or children for sure

thats not the discussion here.
(May 24, 2017, 02:51 AM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 24, 2017, 12:25 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]11 women, 17 children dead. Some decapitated, some missing limbs. They don't hurt women or children for sure

thats not the discussion here.

I would say it's pretty relevant, he was quoting the article that someone posted
(May 24, 2017, 02:51 AM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]
(May 24, 2017, 12:25 AM)Hungames Wrote: [ -> ]11 women, 17 children dead. Some decapitated, some missing limbs. They don't hurt women or children for sure

thats not the discussion here.

I was providing an example that went against what he said.
This claim is almost too ignorant to argue against. 

90% of terrorist attacks from 1980-2005 were carried out by non-muslims according to the FBI statistics. 

Don't let the media mislead you - do some research.
(May 24, 2017, 03:24 AM)Vauld Wrote: [ -> ]This claim is almost too ignorant to argue against. 

90% of terrorist attacks from 1980-2005 were carried out by non-muslims according to the FBI statistics.
No ofc not that would be racist, we can't have any facts like that, someone might get offended
There have been 169 'islamic' terrorist attacks in last 30 days, vast majority of them being in poor nations. (most countries being attacked also happen to be islamic.)

I mean the scripture the religion derives from, and the jihads take as the true islam would suggest that islam is not a religion of peace. Equally the same can be said about Christianity to a lesser extent.

Ultimately I believe no religion can be a religion of peace, as if your values fundamentally differ from other's, then it will cause a divide, which ultimately can transcend into war. The scripture itself has a lot of violence and does indeed advocate jihad, equally the bible advocates killing homosexuals. Equally you don't hear about people taking the bible so literally, whereas tens of millions take the socially/morally wrong sides of the Quran literally.

I mean ultimately there's an argument to both sides, but to answer your question, No, it isn't the religion of peace. I don't think any religion is truly a peaceful thing...Buddhism one could argue, and Hinduism (although hindus have committed atrocities in past..?)
Radical muslims are what the KKK ar to christians. 
Radical muslims are what pedophile catholic priests are to the Catholic Church.
Radical muslims are what Ilaga is to the Catholic Church. 

Religious assholes aren't representatives of the religion they claim to follow, contrary to popular belief appearantly. 
The true thing at fault here is religion as a whole. If you're only going to criticize one religion and blame all terrorist-attacks on that religion then I'll call you out as an asshole and a bigot. Always good to know who here is one though.. 

Now, buddhists... those are the real fuckers... Look at those fuckers being all calm and peaceful. I bet those fuckers are plotting something.
(At Least that would actually make for an interesting read compared to this shit).
(May 24, 2017, 03:24 AM)Vauld Wrote: [ -> ]This claim is almost too ignorant to argue against. 

90% of terrorist attacks from 1980-2005 were carried out by non-muslims according to the FBI statistics. 

Don't let the media mislead you - do some research.

Let's look at some fbi statistics for terrorism. 25% of attacks were committed by Islamic extremists. 56% were unknown as to who the perpetrators were. Anarchist 16%, other 3%. Where did most of the attacks take place might you ask. Well, Muslim majority countries. Iraq is the major one. Quite a surprise, huh?

This is 2005
Might have something to do with a certain american christian president starting a highly controversial war with Iraq, giving a spawn to terrorists.

I'm not justifying terrorists action, merely offering an explanation as to where their motivation has come from.
Every single American president in history has had a Christian upbringing. JFK was Roman Catholic while in office. Which Christian president are you talking about? Bush declared the war on terror. Obama bombed terrorists a shit ton and bin Laden was killed during his presidency. Trump is continuing the war on terror.
I'm confident that even you are able to find out who was the american president when the invasion of Iraq went down.

My point here is that America and it's action hasn't really reduced the number of terrorists. Not at all.

Oh and inbefore this "Enzyme is a SJW cuckhold" claim that's inevetable to come..

Do I like Islam? Nah
Do I like Christianity? Nah
Do I like religion in general? fuck nah

Do I hate ignorant people who sexually identify as a keyboard warrior hidden behind bigotry and ignorance?
fuck yeah I do.

Are my posts edgy enough for you kidz?
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