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Full Version: Wanna hear a shit joke?
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"HELP! Im having a heart attack!" said the XBOX ONE

"Ill call the ambulance! Stay Calm" replied the PS4

*Minutes later*

Wii U wii U wii U wii U wii U

i fucking hate this

so funny i nearly threw up
What did the baby computer call his father? Data
What did the raisin tell the grape?

You were a mistake and I wish Sharon never decided to have a drink with me that night after Christmas. You cause so much trouble with your drugs and attitude towards me. It's as if I feel like Sharon graped me instead of made love.
(Jun 2, 2017, 05:29 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]What did the raisin tell the grape?

You were a mistake and I wish Sharon never decided to have a drink with me that night after Christmas. You cause so much trouble with your drugs and attitude towards me. It's as if I feel like Sharon raped me instead of made love.

What did zhe third Reich Said to poland?

What is black and sits at the top of a stair case?

Stephen Hawking after a house fire.

(Jun 2, 2017, 01:56 PM)Sours Wrote: [ -> ]

I'm not gonna watch it four times if that's what you're expecting.
why the fuck did i laugh on this....
I'm thinking about removing my spine, I feel like it's only holding me back.
wtf why was this ever a thing
imagine reviving a thread from 3 years ago.
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