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Full Version: LL Prop List is Broken
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Original Thread:

Server [US/EU]: All

Map: All

Description: The LimeLight Prop list is not working. All of the 'Police Props', 'City Props', and others are simply not there. Also with the TDM props but those are not your worries. I was wondering if this is clientside or is this just something that broke with the update.

Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game

Since when have you experienced the bug? Since Gmod has updated last

Additional Information: The coffee machine is useless to me now. I cannot find the mugs in any of the content packs that i have.



Update1: All of my addons have been reinstalled and no fix has been found. My best guess is some kind of function within garry's mod was affected during the recent updates. Receiving information that it is only affecting certain people, I can confidently say this error is client-side. I request that all people with or without the error, post their OS and if they have the error using the template provided. This will help see if this is only in affect on certain systems, Thank You.

Quote:Third-Party binary modules (or cheats) that use the internal ILuaInterface interface may no longer function after this update. Any binary modules using the official ILuaBase interface should not be affected.
This quote is from the change log post on steam.

For all developers, check this site: ; Check under Game changes, the first one regarding spawnlist, and proceed to the github page, provided by the hyperlink on the website.

My template:

[b]Does your proplist work? [/b][yes or no]: no
[b]What is your OS? [/b][Windows7/8/10, Mac, Linux, or Other(please specify)]: Windows 7 64-bit



Does your proplist work? [yes or no]
What is your OS? [Windows7/8/10, Mac, Linux, or Other(please specify)]


Update2: After reviewing the change log and after thinking of possible causes, I have made a theory, that can be confirmed if the original code can be accessed and reviewed. My theory is that Gmod has changed the template of adding proplist for the 'q' menu. What I mean is that the way you code the list is different now then it was before, aka your code is out-of-date. I believe that what was shown on the github for the changelogs on the gmod website(links above). I cannot confirm this because I have no way to access the content pack's code, but maybe a developer can. I only have basic knowledge of lua but I am a intermediate programmer with C++, so this is my best educated guess on the topic.


Failed Attempts: 
1. Putting supplied file in the autorun folder
2. Putting supplied file in the spawnlist folder
     a. Have reformatted and recoded whole file as well
3. Reinstalled content packs
4. Reinstalled Garry's Mod
Thank you for your bug-report, Monkey!

It will be reviewed as soon as possible by our Developers.
I thought I was the only One :0

Have the same issue
Can confirm
My Limelight spawnlist is fine.
I have the same issue.
Same issue stated.
Most likely the spawn list wasn't repuloaded to the new LL content packs when I removed mine from the workshop after resigning.
But it just started affecting players recently. How could your old additions be a part of it?
Hm I had assumed it had been an issue for a while since I had heard about it in the past before
I will be testing some things with gmod to try and fix this issue. If I find a solution, I will update my post and reply to my thread. I do not have access to gmod at this time but will start testing some things as i gain access again.
(Apr 27, 2017, 03:42 AM)Noble Wrote: [ -> ]Hm I had assumed it had been an issue for a while since I had heard about it in the past before

It may have been, but most have just discovered it recently. Do you know what may have happened?
Not really sure, here's a link to the original:

Just download that and put it in your garrysmod/lua/autorun folder and see if that works.
I am now beginning to test. Results will be displayed at 1:00am GMT (8:00pm for me if your wondering why so late).

For now, no solution has been found, and testing will be halted for awhile. Also  your file does not work. I tried placing it in different parts of the autorun folder, and nothing. 

Request or  : The content pack in which the code for the LL Prop List is.

Thank you, 
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