i know nothing of these aliens everything is fine everything is great do not fear there is no concern
(Apr 1, 2017, 01:50 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]i know nothing of these aliens everything is fine everything is great do not fear there is no concern
why is his name all crossed out and he isnt signed in as veteran. Admit it you KILLED him. He knew what you where doing so he had to dissapear
*Cough* It's an aprils fool prank *Cough*
its all a coverup people read betw33n the l1nes.
(Apr 1, 2017, 03:25 AM)MrMarsh Wrote: [ -> ] (Apr 1, 2017, 01:50 AM)SirWulf Wrote: [ -> ]i know nothing of these aliens everything is fine everything is great do not fear there is no concern
why is his name all crossed out and he isnt signed in as veteran. Admit it you KILLED him. He knew what you where doing so he had to dissapear
- still sad to see you go rocket
there is no rocket it is only in you mind there is no wrong there is nothing to be afraid of
You got me for a few seconds Tbh but J was like "he's getting a funny feeling in his tummy on LL? Is he in love with Temar?"

also: why is the first one to come out about the alien stuff Rocket? Rocket - Aliens - you use rockets to go to space... where you find aliens..... coincidence - i think not
They would have moved this, clearly a prank
(Apr 1, 2017, 02:23 PM)gnashbb Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: a8c816823a5948e5af5a452425332d42.png]](https://image.prntscr.com/image/a8c816823a5948e5af5a452425332d42.png)
They would have moved this, clearly a prank
Actually they most likely wouldn't cause everyone always to remove ex-staff's teamspeak channels.
It is a prank though, April fools stuff.
You officially fooled noone
Alright so i just wanna point out that when i confronted him with the whole alien thing he repeated the smae montone message 3 times denying any existence of alience before he claoked himself, was flying to my car and teleported me....
... and i can tell you what ive seen is.....
Temar got a mothership!
Thats the whole reason why we are debating new maps. They already build secret nuclear shelters on rockford and v5p in case evo is getting envaded. They are not looking into new maps - they are looking for an escape plan!