He's not lying.. It's time I admitted it too. I resigned from SA due to the fact that Enzyme and Faust had already been indoctrinated by Temar.
The Reapers are coming.
*insert deafening Reaper noises*
Nooo, my precious dont leave
Why i do dis
its not midnight yet

Dam you april fools people

wait this was... you are early for this 1st of april.... ... im iconfused
LEAVING AGAIN!? Christ, call you disloyal.
Hide yo wifn' kidz! There comming!
Wow posted on the 31st of march and banned? Coincidence much?
(Apr 1, 2017, 01:16 AM)Arch.B Wrote: [ -> ]Wow posted on the 31st of march and banned? Coincidence much?
I dont think he is banned. You can stille enter his profile and see details on it which you cant see on banned profiles.
pls dont ban me for this