Mar 21, 2017, 12:54 PM
Suggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>: in-game
In detail, explain your suggestion: Allowing Car Thiefs and similar to refuel and repair vehicles that they do not own similar to vehicles they would own.
Why should this be implemented? Having this restriction simply limits RP.
Also it is very much FailRP according to me.
- "Wow, I just stole 50000$ this car, lets not refuel it but ditch the car in 5 minutes instead!"
In detail, explain your suggestion: Allowing Car Thiefs and similar to refuel and repair vehicles that they do not own similar to vehicles they would own.
Why should this be implemented? Having this restriction simply limits RP.
Also it is very much FailRP according to me.
- "Wow, I just stole 50000$ this car, lets not refuel it but ditch the car in 5 minutes instead!"