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Suggestion for in-game

In detail, explain your suggestion: Add this rule for Government:

Don't use Excessive force, lethal weapons are for stopping people who pose threat to others, Think before use does there action warrant killing them

Why should this be implemented?

This rule is more about preventing a common issue with police, were a simple traffic stop turns into cop killing the driver, we can still punish at the moment under rules like failrp but a more specific rule will help.
Huge +Support, today I died 3 TIMES because the police killed me with a shotgun
-support for the sole reason of we only have the taser as a non lethal weapon.

If we had more options then I would +support.

Also if you operated on STK/GKOS policy which would only be what SWAT operated on then what would happen reguarding this rule?
use vehicle or legs to chase
spike strips

as for swat , no clue what your on about
(Mar 13, 2017, 07:22 PM)Temar Wrote: [ -> ]use vehicle or legs to chase
spike strips

If someone which I have told him not to move, starts running, there is a very high probability he is going to turn around and shoot me, so the vehicle is out of the question, leg chase could come down to the same, him running around the corner and shooting me dead.

In many cases, when you are told not to move, if you do move/run, it is considered a hostile action which might warrant the need for the use of deadly force. Unarmed or not, running away from me (say I am a police officer) is a very hostile action, I do not know if you want to cause harm or you are simply afraid and frankly I have seconds to assess the situation and take action.

This come down to one thing, a rule about it means that every situation has to be treated the same no matter what, because a rule does NOT bend, doesn't why you did it, you did it. This is why this falls under common sense FailRP which is more flexible per situation.

Running from the police is a hostile action, officer might shoot you if they think they are a danger to them, you (as an offender) need to think before you act too, don't expect the police to use non-lethal force when they are afraid for their own life. If you have done something minor you are probably either getting a fine/warning or a small jail sentence, if you run expect the officer to take any action.

Running from the police is a hostile action, police will probably use deadly force for any hostile situation, think before you act.

Instead of a rule, maybe make this a perma law or make it less dictating, ex. "Consider before using deadly force...", after all every situation is not the same and officer may make mistakes, they should not be punished for that. (As long as it isn't straight up RDM)

-Support as a rule, maybe +Support as a (perma)law.
-support, project pretty much summed up my disagreements
I thought this was always a rule. I believe it has been enforced serveral times over the year of LimeLight as I have been told if a vehicle has injured someone then it is open for grounds for lethal assault. This has ONLY been the case in what I have seen over my time at LimeLight and I believe players have been punished for this.
- Support.
A rule, no thanks.
Police brutality is in-character , and in character should be dealt with.
IMHO, it also overlaps with rule 1.11
you lot do realize that putting - support your saying its ok to KILL someone for not stopping on a simple traffic offence

and as stated we already enforce this, this is to help prevent it, you will get punished for it regardless
In the same way a citizen is law abiding, police officers should not always be so immediately ready to kill anyone for any reason.



I think it'll be taken too literally and will be extremely hard to enforce. I've ran certifications as a Police Sergeant where officers have to partake in training prior to being access to a firearm. Some people did not take Tazer training so they did not go out with Tazers. This rule would prevent this RP from happening.
(Mar 14, 2017, 01:31 AM)ForceGhost Wrote: [ -> ]Neutral/-Support.

I think it'll be taken too literally and will be extremely hard to enforce. I've ran certifications as a Police Sergeant where officers have to partake in training prior to being access to a firearm. Some people did not take Tazer training so they did not go out with Tazers. This rule would prevent this RP from happening.
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