Limelight Forums

Full Version: Abilty to get in other car seats.
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uggestion for <in-game/forum/teamspeak etc.>

In detail, explain your suggestion:
Ability to sit in back seat or any seat in car, If there is nobody inside your car and you want to get in but not at driver place you can't you only can get in driver place I don't know why.

Why should this be implemented?

Just why not , I was an officer today and i can't get speed of cars inside my car with my radar so i thought why can't i get in back seat or something. It would just be more realistic.
+ Support

Would increase RP in vehicles such as the RV. etc.
I believe this is part of Vcmod. Hopefully if it gets re-added, this will be a feature.
Added in Revision 10350.