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Full Version: Trump 'will definitely pull out of Paris climate change deal'
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Really sad to see climate change pushed to the side yet again in the 21st century. For all the progress that may have been made in the US over the past few years, someone comes in and hits delete.
Climate change is a big issue. And anyone who doesn't think it exists should do some research - from science studies and facts.
There are ideals that should stay in the 20th century because people nowadays should be educated about climate change and it shouldn't just be pushed to the side like this.
(Jan 31, 2017, 07:42 AM)Preditor Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2017, 07:05 AM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]

He stayed out of politics? Do you honestly belive that? Look who he has been hanging around throughout his career. Politicians, and its weird that he wont release his tax returns don't you think? Because he says he stayed out of it, anyone not questioning that needs to learn how to think critically.

Politics are all about public apperances. sure he might've done some things because he wanted to be nice, but again i seriously doubt that and for good reasons.

I don't think he's gonna blow up the moon or whatever but politics are politics and shit is never what you think it is. He is afterall the worlds most powerfull man currently on a power trip. And that is fucking scary.

saying he's an honest person is just ignorant, he's been caught lying on multiple occations.

There's checks and balances, everything he's doing now though is in his presidential power, and other presidents exercised it in the past. Though now that Trump is doing it, it's become super controversial though no one minded other presidents practicing it. Though you know, Hillary Clinton seems to fit the role of what you're describing a hell of a lot more than Trump if I may say personally. Hell she'll say anything. More importantly Trump said he'd release his tax returns if she released her emails, all of them that is.

Hillary wasnt a better candidate herself and I agree she straight up crooked, Trump got that part right.

Other preisdent has excersited yes but not to this level of magnitude, blocking out people because of the fear of islamic terrorism and straight up don't give a fuck about the enviorment. I sit and look at it from an outside perspective and its all so fucking batshit crazy.

I think im just gonna have to agree to disagree with you, Preditor. It's gonna be some interesting times not to say the least.
(Jan 31, 2017, 03:22 AM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]Mr Trump, who has previously called climate change a hoax invented by the Chinese, promised a raft of policies during his campaign including to undo Obama’s climate action plan and defund UN climate change work. 

It is all about the money/currency. Trump Administration want China under pressure. 

Quote:The U.S. debt to China is $1.0493 trillion, as of November 2016. That's 27.8 percent of the $3.7707 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $19.9 trillion debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself. [...]

[font=Publico, Times,]Long-term, China wants the yuan to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's global currency. China is also responding to accusations of manipulation.[/font]

What Would Happen If China Called in Its Debt Holdings?

China would not call in its debt all at once. If it did so, the demand for the dollar would plummet like a rock. This dollar collapse would disrupt international markets worse than the 2008 financial crisis. China's economy would suffer along with everyone else's.
[font=Publico, Times,]It's more likely that China would slowly begin selling off its Treasury holdings. Even when it just warns that it plans to do so, dollar demand starts to drop. That hurts China's competitiveness. As it raises its export prices, U.S. consumers would buy American products instead. China must further expand its exports to other Asian countries and increase domestic demand. Only then can it call in its U.S. debt holdings.[/font]

[font=Publico, Times,][/font]
Wish Trump would open his eyes more about global warming.
(Jan 31, 2017, 03:22 AM)Safira Wrote: [ -> ]I feel like we need a sub-forum just for Trump...
Get on it, because at the rate all this news is being published we'll probably need it.
To say that climate change has been overstated is absolutely ridiculous. America isn't the only country out there and should really consider the actions its taking whilst all of this is happening. It's already affecting the environment badly enough, god only knows what else will happen now if Trump thinks it's "overblown and overstated".
(Jan 31, 2017, 05:09 AM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]We're talking about a man who took up politics as a hobby at the age of 70. If you can't even trust the man to be serious on Twitter, then I don't see how the man can be trusted with the most powerful position in the world.

He's 70!?

he's probably already decomposing. Lets time do its course.

oh shit, he will yolo those nukes on his death bed.
While I did in fact back Trump during the election, and still do to a degree now, this is just unacceptable.

I'm more of a Scientific man than a Christian man in this point of my life right now, and the science/evidence is there, very clearly.

We're fucking up this planet, Mister President. Get your head outta your ass and listen to somebody for once, especially people like, hm, scientists and environmental agents, and other countries.
(Jan 31, 2017, 05:05 AM)The Rock Wrote: [ -> ]Somebody should do the same that have done to john kennedy, unfortunately that Trump its a bad person , like obama said , dont expect to much from someone who lived 70 years and did nothing good

Pretty retarded statement. Just because you don't agree with him you want him killed?
(Feb 24, 2017, 04:55 PM)Humla Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jan 31, 2017, 05:05 AM)The Rock Wrote: [ -> ]Somebody should do the same that have done to john kennedy, unfortunately that Trump its a bad person , like obama said , dont expect to much from someone who lived 70 years and did nothing good

Pretty retarded statement. Just because you don't agree with him you want him killed?

I agree.
The world has gone through the cycle of warming, and then cooling down again for centuries. However, now with the CO² emission that we create, we are speeding up the progress. We are slowly using up our resources and polluting the world, but I feel like most people don't really care about future generations. They rather have money, and power now, then to safeguard the future. This is why people like trump and countries like America will always remain selfish when it comes to stuff like this.

It's a hard bargain to enforce these policies, especially if you want to be re-elected. Doesn't just go for the USA neither, this is a global issue, and only a couple of countries are actually reaching their quota's.

However, Trump is an idiot with his childish attitude. And perhaps one day he will realize that the air we breath is more important then all the wealth in the world. But hey, it's America first. So fuck all of us right?
My hairdresser said if he came into the barber shop he would shoot him down as he is a toss headh
Can't Stump the Trump.
I dislike this.

For countless centuries have good men along great women attempted to fight against this atrocity that is greedy human beings who has a horrible dependency on money and publicity. It's frustrating to see our society fail everytime we try to evolve into something better and bigger. We keep messing up as a race, and it seems that we are taking two steps back for every step forward. Indeed it's bad that Trump is here, because our step-back ratio seems to have increased to a solid 10.

It's about time he learns how to pull out. (Ayyyyyy)

He's already made a few children, unfortunately, he's spreading his retardism (Yes I know that's not a word)
(Feb 26, 2017, 01:24 AM)Arach Wrote: [ -> ]I dislike this.

For countless centuries have good men along great women attempted to fight against this atrocity that is greedy human beings who has a horrible dependency on money and publicity. It's frustrating to see our society fail everytime we try to evolve into something better and bigger. We keep messing up as a race, and it seems that we are taking two steps back for every step forward. Indeed it's bad that Trump is here, because our step-back ratio seems to have increased to a solid 10.

well that was pretty edgy.
got any other curse words besides fuck because it didnt really add anything to you point buddy. Honestly, not even sure what your point was.
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