Just wanted to start this thread with a video. Enjoy!
So what do you think after you have seen this video? Feel free to comment it down below! Freedom of speech!
Starter Guide:
-Have you experienced something that you never forget when it comes to Police actions?
-What did you see on the video that you think was good?
-What did you see on the video that you think was bad?
-Do you trust your local police force?
Norway is COMPLETELY different from America. Therefore training will be different.
The end.
(Jan 22, 2017, 11:28 PM)Venom Wrote: [ -> ]Norway is COMPLETELY different from America. Therefore training will be different.
The end.
Sure, but does that mean that people in the US should have less trust in the police force then in Norway? All humans should have rights to be able to know that somebody out there will always be there for them and that they can trust them, right?
(Jan 22, 2017, 11:32 PM)Zona Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 22, 2017, 11:28 PM)Venom Wrote: [ -> ]Norway is COMPLETELY different from America. Therefore training will be different.
The end.
Sure, but does that mean that people in the US should have less trust in the police force then in Norway? All humans should have rights to be able to know that somebody out there will always be there for them and that they can trust them, right?
I don't disagree with you. The majority of the people in the US look at the police that way. The people who don't generally are criminals or ones that just look at what the media portrays police as. Some of these people haven't had a single interaction with police and they're the ones saying fuck the police. It's the media that portrays them as what you're seeing.
I got some close friends in the US and this is only their part of the story. I had an episode when I was I Miami and I was in a situation where the police didn't have control of the situation at all. They didn't manage to take control on a long time. They decided to take up their guns and that's really scaring me; that the police can't get control of the situation without guns or baton. After that episode after what I have heard from my friends down in Miami then I have less trust in the US police then I had before I went there.
(Jan 23, 2017, 12:18 AM)Zona Wrote: [ -> ] I got some close friends in the US and this is only their part of the story. I had an episode when I was I Miami and I was in a situation where the police didn't have control of the situation at all. They didn't manage to take control on a long time. They decided to take up their guns and that's really scaring me; that the police can't get control of the situation without guns or baton. After that episode after what I have heard from my friends down in Miami then I have less trust in the US police then I had before I went there.
Without knowing all the details, I can't totally comment on that. However those are a few officers out of a million in the US and you can't judge a whole group by a few characters.
Guess who likes arguing with each other a lot? US Population
Guess who has a pretty fucked up racial history? US Population
Guess who has very mixed up gun control that continues to make it harder for sane Citizens to access firearms? US
Guess what people like to carry a lot in the US? Guns
Guess what criminals can get easily in the US? Guns
Also, don't judge a book by it's cover. My local police department has dealt with scenarios without even drawing their weapons, including calls about a kid being armed with a weapon (I know because I was that kid, don't ask). From my perspective, these are two different countries with two different sets of problems.
(Jan 23, 2017, 01:22 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]Guess who likes arguing with each other a lot? US Population
Guess who has a pretty fucked up racial history? US Population
Guess who has very mixed up gun control that continues to make it harder for sane Citizens to access firearms? US
Guess what people like to carry a lot in the US? Guns
Guess what criminals can get easily in the US? Guns
Also, don't judge a book by it's cover. My local police department has dealt with scenarios without even drawing their weapons, including calls about a kid being armed with a weapon (I know because I was that kid, don't ask). From my perspective, these are two different countries with two different sets of problems.
Great to hear your view of the point
I would not say that the hole police force in the US is bad or anything.
But i think that guns should be the last way to get out of a situation. As said, they didnt need gun in the episode where someone was armed.
But i really hope that we will see less and less guns in the US, not only there but the entire world. It wont stop unless we start doing something. The world is better with less guns. Well that my personal opinion.
Well, In the UK Police do not Use weapons, although is some places they do have them in their vehicles, For example London.
Although they are not drawn unless required.
Never the less, i would honestly feel safer if police carried weapons, with the terrorism now at an all time high, i wish i could own a weapon.
(Jan 23, 2017, 02:31 AM)Innovative Wrote: [ -> ]Well, In the UK Police do not Use weapons, although is some places they do have them in their vehicles, For example London.
Although they are not drawn unless required.
Never the less, i would honestly feel safer if police carried weapons, with the terrorism now at an all time high, i wish i could own a weapon.
Same system in Norway. They have to Call in to dispatch before taking it out of a locker
(Jan 22, 2017, 11:28 PM)Venom Wrote: [ -> ]Norway is COMPLETELY different from America. Therefore training will be different.
The end.
compare how many guns there are amongs civilians in the US and Norway is understandable that cops in the US gets a lot of weapon training, however I do think the US police should have more training in de-escalation, but when you see how the cops acts around people in the US you cant really blame the officer for being paranoid that the person hes after wouldnt have a gun. That would just be naive.
Officers could always use more training but the reason why they get jumpy and paranoid is because of all the shit going on. Take a look at this for example. This officer got off of work, was just driving home when he saw an accident. He stopped to offer aid and was shot in the back of the head.
If people treated officers with respect and didn't execute them, this wouldn't be as much of a problem.
(Jan 23, 2017, 02:38 AM)Zona Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 23, 2017, 02:31 AM)Innovative Wrote: [ -> ]Well, In the UK Police do not Use weapons, although is some places they do have them in their vehicles, For example London.
Although they are not drawn unless required.
Never the less, i would honestly feel safer if police carried weapons, with the terrorism now at an all time high, i wish i could own a weapon.
Same system in Norway. They have to Call in to dispatch before taking it out of a locker
Yea that definitely wouldn't work here. Take this video for example that happened a couple days ago. 50 second mark is the money shot.
(Jan 23, 2017, 03:27 AM)Venom Wrote: [ -> ]Officers could always use more training but the reason why they get jumpy and paranoid is because of all the shit going on. Take a look at this for example. This officer got off of work, was just driving home when he saw an accident. He stopped to offer aid and was shot in the back of the head.
If people treated officers with respect and didn't execute them, this wouldn't be as much of a problem.
Exacly what i tried to say, I just think its really shitty that people from an outside spectrum in a completly different country were things works differently should sit and nag and be condecending thorwards cops, especially the US cops, I am 100% certain that cops in the US are there to really protect and serve but the media always tend to cover the "bad seeds" and not the outstanding work officers do everyday.