1) I'm not salty just in case some think I am.
2) I titled this thread "How's turning on generators RP?" So I have no idea how this has come about as I'm salty because I got no reps. I don't care about reps other people have made this thread about reps, yes that is another one of my querys but I made this thread to discuss if this event was actually RP. As I stated earlier I don't care about reps.
3) How is turning on generators RP?
(No offence intended in any of this thread despite of it sounding like it is)
Why are you asking how turning on a generator is RP
it ISN'T its an objective as part of the story of which you are there to role play a part of.
singling out the objective and saying thats the RP like you did nothing else what so ever there is wrong.
the RP is the event as a whole not a single thing you had to do as part of it
admin abuse pls demote everyone
Gone and hurt Blackout's feelings :'(
(Oct 30, 2016, 12:35 AM)Temar Wrote: [ -> ]Why are you asking how turning on a generator is RP
it ISN'T its an objective as part of the story of which you are there to role play a part of.
singling out the objective and saying thats the RP like you did nothing else what so ever there is wrong.
the RP is the event as a whole not a single thing you had to do as part of it
I was not informed of any story during the event. I got teleported to the city tunnel and then that's where I met some friends and we just keep seeing reminder pop up in chat saying "Remeber to active the generators!" and "Stop the gas leak" to my understanding there was no role play behind any of it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Those were tips for you to understand what to do. The first areas of the roleplay, the hotel and before the city tunnel had story elements. It's not BlackOut's fault if you were not there during the beginning of the event
I'm gonna back out of it and revoke my vote, i changed my mind.
First of all, the event wasn't shit, we just didn't roleplay where we should've done it.
Also, the building was awesome, as always, so why say that the whole event was shit?
Also, i must apologize for saying that the event was shit.
I just didn't go with the objective, that was my bad.
(Oct 30, 2016, 01:56 AM)mashaBiceps Wrote: [ -> ]I'm gonna back out of it and revoke my vote, i changed my mind.
First of all, the event wasn't shit, we just didn't roleplay where we should've done it.
Also, the building was awesome, as always, so why say that the whole event was shit?
Also, i must apologize for saying that the event was shit.
I just didn't go with the objective, that was my bad.
Jesus, just appreciate they actually care and set up events.
(Oct 30, 2016, 01:58 AM)Saiye Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct 30, 2016, 01:56 AM)mashaBiceps Wrote: [ -> ]I'm gonna back out of it and revoke my vote, i changed my mind.
First of all, the event wasn't shit, we just didn't roleplay where we should've done it.
Also, the building was awesome, as always, so why say that the whole event was shit?
Also, i must apologize for saying that the event was shit.
I just didn't go with the objective, that was my bad.
I'm sorry as well, I could of worded it a lot better. Someone lock this asap

(Oct 30, 2016, 01:59 AM)Mr.Sir Wrote: [ -> ]Jesus, just appreciate they actually care and set up events.
Make sure to read all the comments before commenting on the Thread.

(Oct 30, 2016, 02:12 AM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]I had fun.
Same goes to you, read all the comments.
Though I wasn't there for the event personally the way you worded the thread was rude. Mostly to the people who organized the event. There was no need for you to call the event 'shit'. You could've just said that you didn't like it and asked for other peoples opinions, simple as that. Admins wont always be able to see all the RP's going on.
(Oct 30, 2016, 03:07 AM)mashaBiceps Wrote: [ -> ] (Oct 30, 2016, 02:12 AM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ]I had fun.
Same goes to you, read all the comments.
I can't help but feel you just gave me an order. I'll pass on that one.
I am not going to read (nearly) 9 pages of other comments as ''That event was pretty shit actually.'' is what was originally stated and is what I went off on. I, as well as enough of other players had fun and thus I replied what I replied.