*EvoCity Police Department Inbox*
*Frank head to his computer and received a email*
*Email - Investigation request on Bloodline Special Operation*
*Frank clicked on the newest email*
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]*Decrypting email...*
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]*Decrypted email*[/font]
*Opening Email*
To Frank Xavier Regan, ( )
Recently i have discover that a new operation start to advertise within EvoCity for recruit.On the page they claim that they were there to assist the government which we have insufficient information to proof that.They'd also claim that they did not involved in any sort of contact involved in harming president or government official,which again assisting criminal activity is not stated.
So i'm here to ask you and your team to open a file on investigating the operation with all the personal involved and his crime record.
Reference: https://limelightgaming.net/forums/threa...#pid162394 - Discovered Web Page
Alan Yeung
Director Of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
Dear Chang Lee Sun,
Thank you for applying for the traffic enforcement division of the EC:PD. I am happy to inform you that your application for the division has been accepted.
Welcome to the force as a Traffic Enforcement Cadet.
You will be trainned heavily on pursuit driving and other Traffic Enforcement duties as we are the only division in the EC:PD that can do so.
Thank you, for applying.
Kind Regards,
Lewis Holland,
Traffic Commander
Evocity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department Accident Report[/font]
in 2017-4-8,a military jet sent a emergency message to EvoCity Air port,saying there have a engine failure,all the engine were out.
"Mayday Mayday Mayday,this is "Foxtrot - Echo - Whiskey - One - double zero - two",we are located at North West of EvoCity Airport,we have a engine failure we are losing speed currently attempting to restart the engine,we have two pas sager on broad including me and my co-pilot.Mayday Mayday Mayday,this is "Foxtrot - Echo - Whiskey - One - double zero - two",we are located at North West of EvoCity Airport,we have a engine failure we are losing speed currently attempting to restart the engine,we have two pas sager on broad including me and my co-pilot".
After receiving the signal we were warned the jet will crashed on somewhere at EvoCity,about 5 mins later we received a 911 call of a crashed military jet at grassy field,SWAT,police and Fire department responded to the 911 call.We have soon arrived and request a police helicopter hover above the crash site.Grassy field was totally blocked from public due to the crash site.some footage can be shown to public
![[Image: p1uIshW.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/p1uIshW.jpg)
Front left of the jet
![[Image: CExD9Ag.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/CExD9Ag.jpg)
Rear Left of the jet
![[Image: 9I81Qjz.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/9I81Qjz.jpg)
Front Rght of the jet
![[Image: oeFvRDu.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/oeFvRDu.jpg)
Footage captured by our helicopter
![[Image: UfrB06x.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/UfrB06x.jpg)
A road block set to the direction toward Corleone
![[Image: hkKx0E4.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/hkKx0E4.jpg)
A check point set toward the direction of lake
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
Police Department Public Announcement
Today is big day,we have now updated our page with latest police hand book and a list of crime allow our officer to follow with.Sentence are also listed inside,please be aware that some traffic offense list a maximum sentence of incarcerated it does mean it HAVE to be end in incarcerated,officer can still make a warning or a deep ticket deepens on the degree of crime.
Well stay safe,and have a nice day.
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Alan Yeung[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department[/font]
[font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]EvoCity Police Department[/font]
*You logged in your EvoCity police department account*
*A department Notice pops up*
[font=Impact]EvoCity Police Department[/font]
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department Notice[/font]
After few months of observation,i've successfully confirmed that BLSO Leader who co-operate with the gov for a few times having the same name and ID on him.BLSO will now listed into Terrorism Inspection list and under heavy inspection. ( )
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
*Notice ends*
*Closed automatically*
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
Police Department Website Update
Hello fellow citizen of EvoCity,today we have decided to hide the last half of our fellow non supervisory officer name in order to prevent background check,all the high ranking officer,responsible officer will remain unchanged.
At last,stay safe in EvoCity.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
2017-5-26 7:00
EvoCity Police Department
To Serve and Protect
Police Department Press Conference Detail
Hello fellow citizen in EvoCity. Yesterday (2017-5-27),around 00:00 at noon,we have numerous of heavily armored personal,known as 3 Percenters. Because of the massive shot out,city were under lockdown for hours.The EvoCity Police Department have already notice the Department of Homeland Security,Central Intelligent Agency (CIA),Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) , International Criminal Police Organization and Counter Terrorism Division (
) within EvoCity Police Department
CIA have found photos uploaded by 3 Percenters on their on web page.We have a lots of evident pointing that there will be more terrorist attack.We are aware of the threat given by 3 Percenters,and the currently Terrorist Threat will remain on Critical at all time.Citizen of EvoCity should report any suspicious individual or grouping to the local police force.
3 Percenters are now classified as a terrorist organization and EvoCity Tactical Respond Team (EC:TRT) () will be on standby for 24/7 in order to keep EvoCity safe.In order to make sure we can prevent less casualties for the nest terrorist attack,we will perform a rehearsal on a emergency evacuation within the city.
Military grade weaponry and vehicle were being used by 3 Percenters.
At last,we strongly advice all citizen of EvoCity should report any forms of suspicious individual within the city to your local police force.Stay safe outside.
Photos uploaded by 3 Percenters
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
2017-5-28 , 3:52
Procession of Class 2 weaponry
Procession of Class 1 Weaponry
Unlawful Discharge of Firearm
First Degree Murder
Trespasser on restricted government property or private property
Breaking and entering
Concealing Identity
Gang Violence
Weapons Stockpiling
Procession of Explosives
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department Press Conference Detail[/font]
Hello.citizen of EvoCity,today at 7:00p.m we have detained on of the member from the 3 Percenter,named Ricky Hicks we got him within MTL which are found illegally manufacturing APC for terrorist attack,due to lack of evident against him to arrest him.Which being a member of 3 Percenter wasn't enough,he was being questioned and being released.He is required to report to police station every Tuesday.We got him by his vehicle matching the photos given by the 3 Percenter,by the last three letters "India - Golf - Sierra" we detained him and questioned him further more,we have also get the list of member from the questioning and FBI , ATF , DoHS are already noticed about.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
2017-5-29 , 21:30
*A notice popes out after login into Police Database*
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department Internal Notice[/font]
Good morning fellow officer,i'm sure you are already aware of the new raising terrorist organization - 3 Percenter,at around 7:00 p.m we have got him under detainment due to last three letters matches the photos provided by 3 Percenter,all officer should be aware of any weapon transaction and be prepared for any gun fight.Due to the high terrorist threat toward EvoCity,all officer will reveivce a ceramic plate and a AR-15 with 5 magazine within the locker,in order to fight back,report any suspicous activities and approach with caution,stay alert at all time.
Stay safe.
Best regards,
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
2017-5-29 , 21:34
Dear Christian Treeman ( ),
Thank you for applying for senior officer within EvoCity Police Department,and i'm happy to inform you that you've been accepted and you will report to me,Alan Yeung for the detail of supervised patrol.You can always change the division by making up a application to me and the division you are willing to join.But bare in mind that once you change into other division your current ranks will be removed and starting up from the beginning so please take your choice carefully.
At last,always,stay safe and see you later in supervised patrol.
Best Regards,
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
*A notice popes out after login into Police Database*
[font=Impact]EvoCity Police Department[/font]
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department Internal Notice[/font]
Good morning fellow officer,today we have make our self a terrorism inspection list due to the rapid raising of terrorist around EvoCity,any forms of intelligent leaks can be classified as corruption and ends in a highest penalty of 15 years in jail,please keep the information within EvoCity Police Department Classified.
Stay safe.
Best regards,
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
2017-6-9 14:38
<Message appears in your inbox>
<Subject: EC:PD>
<Sent by: LewisHolland@EC:PD.com>
Dear Joey Falley, ( )
You have applied for the EC:PD Traffic Division. Your application has been revived and you have been accepted into the division, you will go though a trainning program and remember to check the traffic sections in the handbook that has been created for your use.
I hope to see you in the trainning grounds soon.
In the trainning grounds you will be given information and your system login to see upcomming notices. I wish for you to keep your details to yourself and we will ask for them directly not by email.
Traffic Commander Holland,
To Serve And Protect
Signed: LHolland
<Message end>
<Message close>
Due to corruption within EvoCity,all government members of EvoCity have been demoted by the president of United State and changed all government member within EvoCity in order to bring back a suitable living place for the city of EvoCity.All information of EvoCity Police Department will be saved and reserved for future use,all personal information will be store safely and only the President of United State will have access toward the information to assist the investigation on corruption within EvoCity.All Criminal record,ranks and SOP will be saved under high security.
Alan Yeung
The Roleplay Group is closed and may not reopen untill i finish my secondary school.
Good luck with school anyways and looking forward to this returning !
(Aug 18, 2017, 10:12 AM)Vadar Wrote: [ -> ]**Cough**
![[Image: I5BXJYf.png]](https://i.imgur.com/I5BXJYf.png)
Good luck with school anyways and looking forward to this returning !
What's the problem? Fueling up takes that long from time to time!