Hello Alexandra Leskov,
Thank you for applying The EvoCity Police Department,I'm please to inform you that your application have been accepted by the EvoCity Police Department as a Traffic Enforcement Cadet,we will test your performance soon and sees do you fit a promotion.
You will report to me Pursuit Commander Lewis () ,when i was on duty.And the test will start and see do you fit the job of Police Officer.
Kind Regards,
Alan Yeung,
Commissioner Of EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS]Public [/font]Announcement
Hello Every citizen in EvoCity,I'm the director of the EvoCity Police Department.I'm here to invite more people joining our force,we have a lack of officer and SWAT,our aim is to train every officer in to a professional law enforcement,and increasing the efficiency of the EoCity Police Department.Start The Application to enter the EvoCity Police Department,we always welcome people to join us,if you got the effort don't stop right there come and apply today.
Hope to see you in the Police Department.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department
To Serve and Protect
Police Department News
In 10-12-2016 around 9:00 p.m,we had a 911 from a resident living in Corleone Estate that a strange device was found and when our local officer arrived they identify the device as a breaches trading around the black market in EvoCity. After numerous times of investigation on the breaches,we chose to do a controlled explosion as it is too complicated to defuse and may injured our bomb defuse team.At last the breaches is being blown up and the door was unfortunately destroyed the front door.We do a reasonable indemnity to the owner of the property.At last we gathered the remain and fragment made by the explosion and our Detective Bureau is on to it in investigating the way of defuse it.
Our First Arrived Officer started to investigate and identify the device
Our Officer trying to defuse it instead of a controlled explosion
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
Evocity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
Police Department News
In 10-12-2016 8:00 p.m.During our traffic stop at Side St. stopping a suspicious vehicle the driver suddenly pullout a magnum and start shooting around side street,our officer firstly take covers and our nearby SWAT Unit sees the situation,they shot the suspect and we detain the suspect.While we are waiting for EMS arrival we identify him as a Corleone.And we started to search him and finally he was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in jail for attempted murder and procession of weaponry.
A EMS arrived and start reviving the injured suspect.
Our local SWAT Team stay alert on the suspect and look for ambush.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department News[/font]
In 11-12-2016 around 9:00 a.m,we had a harsh time as the empire hotel went on fire all in a sudden.After around 10 mins the fire started ran out of control and for safety we started out Evacuation Stage one.After 1 hours of hard work the firemen temporary stop the building from fire but it start emitting unknown gas and we started to Evacuation Stage two.After 30 mins the fire start spreading out quick,the Fire Department attempted to put them out but on the other hand the pipe under side street blow up and releasing unknown gas.all of our law enforcement wear a gas mask and enters into Urgent evacuate as the petrol station was right next tot he fire.All LEOs left the city except me and a other officer helping a citizen lost his mum @ Bank of america.Sadly his mum was found death after the incident under control and the Fire department enters the building.The whole incident was Solved @ 12-12-2016 12:00 p.m at noon.
After the Incident,a investigation goes on,and right 3 hours on that day the Minnesota Gas and Power has determined that the quick patchwork on the piping was enough to plug the gas leak until a replacement part can be shipped over,The hotel above it was severely damaged and it was recommended that it be condemned until sufficient repairs can be made.
![[Image: CkJ9k05.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/CkJ9k05.jpg)
Front photo after the incident.
![[Image: AiohTjQ.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/AiohTjQ.jpg)
![[Image: x8KU8p5.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/x8KU8p5.jpg)
Road block made by our fellow officer.
![[Image: 7AwpNLw.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/7AwpNLw.jpg)
Officer trying to help the citizen out and protected by gas masked for safety.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Protect and Serve[/font]
Police Department News
Due to a high crime rate and heavy firearm have been used by the criminal.Officer's equipment limitation have been lowered and some high Grade Weapon such as the AR-15 and the HK G36C will required a basic academy,in order to let officer to safe citizen rather than injured citizen by the spray of the weapon.
All new recruit will receive a basic academy in order to examinate performace.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
Steam Name: 666-Devil
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:92179869
Hours: 199
Bans: 1
Do You Have Teamspeak Y/N: Y
Do You Have A Working Mic: Yes
In Character
Name: James Payton
Age: 32
Current Ocuapation: Engineer
What Position Do you want to fill: Regular Police Officer
Experience in Police Department: I have been a Homocide Detective before in the MPD but then i resigned to a Engineer and wanted to start new but in a calmer city like Evo City
Time Served in ECPD: 2 years
Why should you be granted in to the EvoCity Police Department: Because I have been a Homocide Detective for 8 Years and i will contribute my self into the ECPD with all i have
Can you follow Order: Yes
Hello [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]James Payton,( )
Thank you for applying The EvoCity Police Department,I'm please to inform you that your application have been accepted by the EvoCity Police Department as a cadet,we will plan a basic academy for your first day of your work in EvoCity Police Department.
You will report to me,Alan Yeung when i was on duty.And the academy will start.
Kind Regards,
Alan Yeung,
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department.[/font]
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Arial]To Serve and Protect[/font]
[font=Georgia]Police Department News[/font]
Over all It is a great day with in EvoCity Police Department for 23-12-2016.Today we have successfully raid and arrest Corleone which believed in murder of Citizen when we search the property we also found contraband but sadly while we are raiding the property all contraband was destroyed.
The Other Good news is Our Officer Alex Warren () promoted to Corporal as his hard-work within the EvoCity Police Department
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
Hello Daniel Harrod ( ),
Thank you for applying The EvoCity Police Department,I'm please to inform you that your application have been accepted by the EvoCity Police Department as a Traffic Enforcement - cadet,You will report to Pursuit Commander Lewis ( ) for your Duty.
Kind Regards,
Alan Yeung,
Commissioner Of EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department.
EvoCity Police Department
To Serve and Protect
Police Department Announcement
Greetings every citizen in EvoCity,today EvoCity started to snow.As snow will reduce the friction made by the wheels and the road we will suggest all driver to drive with care and slowly on snow covered road.We will regularly send out snow plow to remove part of the snow from the road,but all citizen should pay attention to snow slide,prepare every you may need with in a extreme environment.
As Christmas is approaching many large event will be held in different location,until today no threat where given out from any criminal or terrorism organization.But EvoCity Police will not slacken,we will protect every single Citizen from the EvoCity.
Thanks for spending time on the announcement.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Impact]E[/font][font=Impact]voCity Police Department[/font]
To Serve and Protect
Greetings citizen who lives in EvoCity,Christmas has come and we do not received any threat toward any individual or toward EvoCity.We do not have any intelligent that shows a possible terrorist attack might be in place.
Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Impact]E[/font][font=Impact]voCity Police Department[/font]
To Serve and Protect
Greetings every citizen in EvoCity,i hope you have a lovely Chirstmas and a Happy New Year,i'm a bit late as i go out for a counter terrorism meeting and it is classified before hand.I'm glad you have a great time in countdown.
I hope EvoCity will be a lot peaceful than 2016,have a nice,lovely year in 2017.EvoCity Police Department will start a counter traffic offense in the first two weeks of 2017 starting from 2017-1-5 to 2017-1-19.This project will hopefully aware the importance of driving safely and maintain a safe road for both driver and pedestrian.
In here i would thank you Greenman Pharmaceuticals provide medical supply for our fellow officer.Thank you Mr. Brandon Welker ( ).
Enjoy the new year.
Alan Yeung
Commissioner of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department
[font=Impact]E[/font][font=Impact]voCity Police Department[/font]
To Protect and Serve
Greetings EvoCity,today is a big day as from now on all application sent will be senior officer Application which mean you no longer making application for joining Police department but being a senior officer.All the current cadet will remain unchanged.
Hope to see you in the Police Department.
Alan Yeung
Commissioenr of EvoCity Police Department
EvoCity Police Department