I want to see the limit and rules about Roleplay group and the limit between Clan and Roleplay group!!!!!!
Limits between clans and RP groups?
Do we even have those?
(Jan 21, 2017, 09:39 AM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]Limits between clans and RP groups?
Do we even have those?
I don't know (._.)
No ones know (._.)
(Oct 25, 2016, 11:56 AM)Lieutenant Sours Wrote: [ -> ]+support
Im pretty sure there are no limitations or restrictions for clans and groups interacting with eacother?
Well from the fearlessRP which obviously reflect most of the limitation is going to remain the same there is actual having limit with the roleplay group which i wanted to get known to it in LL as i don't wanna get in troubles. :3
As far as I know there are no limitations, or really many differences between a Group and a Clan, its just one is called a Group and one is called a Clan.
One can earn perks, one can not
I would love to have this in the forums so +Support.