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Full Version: Sever Wipe?
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Hello Community!

I haven't been on a while anyway so I came back from a large break and when I noticed I went to go as a Civilian my Ferrari Spider was gone! I have been inactive for about 1-3 months now so I'm not sure if there was a sever wipe or what happened. I was wondering if you needed proof or not for any screenshots but I assume you guys have the database if you would like any screenshots just comment down below and I can provide screenshots of my Ferrari not there.

Best Regards,

Saxon Ward
Ah, from what I know of there hasn't been one. So unless a bug as caused this issue or a mistake was made then Burnett may need to have a look at it.
There was an issue with player database few months ago. Later then fixed this/applied a backup. Now Im not sure if something went wrong with that procedure. Paging
Do you think I could get my car back?
Definately, yes
Ok thanks Smile
Do you want me to provide screenshots?
(Oct 3, 2016, 01:43 PM)Saxon Ward Wrote: [ -> ]Do you want me to provide screenshots?

Are you on the servers now? If so, I can refund you the car
I can hop on right now.

Ok I'm online also I lost my clothings and brief cases.
(Oct 3, 2016, 01:59 PM)Saxon Ward Wrote: [ -> ]I can hop on right now.

Ok I'm online also I lost my clothings and brief cases.

I cant find you on v4b1
Would you like me to get on now because I'm available to get on now if you want.
Hey , I refunded your Ferrari 458 Spider over database

What kind of clothes/briefcases are missing?
I lost the clothing suits and just a normal brief case.
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