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Full Version: Sever Wipe?
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Pages: 1 2
, I believe wanted specific suit names that you had lost so he is able to refund you.
, has Burnett followed up on this? Or have you supplied the information required?
Moved to Refund Requests

Lord Octagon
Limelight Community Teacher
Hello Apologises for my absence I have not been given any of my clothing or suits.
(Oct 7, 2016, 02:18 PM)Lieutenant Sours Wrote: [ -> ] , I believe wanted specific suit names that you had lost so he is able to refund you.


. Have you been refunded for your suits, or is still ongoing?
Archived due to inactivity.

If you would like it re-opened, please feel free to PM a teacher or member of staff.
Pages: 1 2