Limelight Forums

Full Version: Civilian Limousine
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Pages: 1 2
+ Support
(Sep 30, 2016, 04:05 PM)Tails Wrote: [ -> ]+support, would prefer it be a donor perk aswell to match the suits and stuff
+Support but increased REP due to new system.
Due to a high level of community support, this suggestion has been moved to the Popular section.

+ support, great idea!
Pushing for Staff Review.

This suggestion has been reviewed and Approved. Vehicle will be added to the list and implemented when appropriate. This is not a guarentee that the vehicle will be done immediately, all vehicles are only added when appropriate.

NOTE: This is for the concept. Civilian Limos are approved but the vehicle type and how it will be implemented will be up for further discussion. It could be a possible revamp of the Chauffeur job, a REP locked vehicle or other restrictions. More to come on that.
Added in REP overhaul.
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