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Full Version: Let police drag bodies
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(Sep 22, 2016, 04:50 PM)Kung Fury Wrote: [ -> ]+support

But I think everyone should be able to drag bodies

There's no reasonable explanation for cops being able to drag their friends to safety, but others have to leave their friends to die

Im my opinion it would be the best if only the government is able to do this. I dont need a random civilian which drags me as an injured person into the nowhere.

OT: +Support



This will also give officers more of an incentive to respond to vehicle accidents, with a very real need to drag bodies out of the scene of an accident officers are most likely to be the first to respond.
+ support This would be real practical. Exspecialy with bodies lying on the road or in a door etc. Sometimes its hard to keep people alive if they are exposed to a crowd or rushhour traffic
(Sep 22, 2016, 05:11 PM)PaulB Wrote: [ -> ]+ Support for all.
However rules will have to be placed so people can't abuse the tool.

It would be a great idea to make it so that players take 2x or 3x less damage after being picked up because I've been picked up by a fireman before and basically die after a few seconds, especially as an anarchist.
Approved and finished.
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