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Full Version: Sneak Part I: Disable Footstep sounds while sneaking.
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Suggestion for in-game

In detail, explain your suggestion: While pressing CTRL or sneaking the sound of your footsteps should be disabled so people don't hear you walking around. I've been in situations where I was role-playing as a spy and people heard where I am and it killed the whole sneaky peaky part. Plus this will increas a lot of types of role-play. 

There is a second part of this suggestion that has to do with sometihng else to do with sneaking but it requires more detailed explanations so I'll leave it to another thread.

Why should this be implemented? Increasing in RP potential, making sneaking a whole lot better.
+ Support
+ Support.
Doesn't it kinda ruin the fun of being a spy?

Perhaps have It very quiet, but not muted?
Seems simple enough

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