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Full Version: not spawning,can't type in chat, can't reconnect to fix etc..
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I have seen this issue with applejack before. The issue was that it didn't receive the infomation to spawn the person in. So what we did was that we went into the database and made a copy of his personal inventory and removed his infomation.

The database then though that this player was new and made a new slot for him in the database with the necessary infomation the gamemode needs in order to spawn him in. This is not a 100% solution but it worked for me.
I cannot help you there - I am very sorry.
Have you tried to join the server recently?
No I have not. I have just returned from my vacation but i will definitely try
Please update us with the current issue on this when you attempt to rejoin the server again, . I hope you had a nice vacation.
Can we get an update on this ?

You have two weeks to reply otherwise this thread will be classified as inactive meaning the thread will be closed and archived but can be restored by talking to a teacher or re-creating your thread.

Date: Thursday 23rd November 2017
Deadline has been met.

Thread has been closed and archived.

LimeLight Teacher
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