Hello . I wasn't aware of your issue, until I was tagged. Thanks for tagging
Alright. I need your steam-name and steam-id please. After that, I'm going to check the back-end logs.
As I understand Burnett is not a dev at this point of time, I believe would be able to help you out with your problem.
Is this still an issue?
Please get back to us within the week, else this thread will be archived due to not receiving any response for months.
Yes this is still an issue
i have that problem aswell i can move , but can't write in chat or talk. "Loading...." If you are stuck here, the gamemode is crashed, Please contact an admin and he will restart it"" standt there in the middle of the screen
steamid : STEAM_0:0:146941513
Witnessed Felix having this issue today, saw him moving around, he can see us and around him too but can't type, spawn or do anything else.
How is it going can i maybe get an update on this?
I'm sure Burnett or Temar will respond as they get the chance to look into this.
is able to play now, how about you ?
Problem seems to have resolved, incase you still encounter any issues, PM me via the forums and I will reopen the thread.
Thread archived.
Limelight Community Teacher