Sep 18, 2016, 01:23 AM
A list of in-game commands and console gestures. If you feel that there are any errors or that I have missed a command, please let me know. Thanks.
Card | /card | Draws a card from a deck. Similar to /roll.
Check Tax | /checktax | Allows you to check the current tax rate.
Chemical List | /chemical | Using this command will display in console a list of ingredients and the amounts of them that you need to make meth.
Command List | /commandlist | Prints a list of all commands you have access to; printed in your console.
Countdown | /countdown <1-60> | Counts down to 0 from a number between 1 and 60.
Doors | /door <purchase/sell/access/color/sellall> | This provides an alternative way to control doors.
Emotes | /emotes | Turns emotes on/off; it is set to off by default.
Get ID | /getid <player name> | This will allow you to view the unique ID of a player. This changes every time they join the server.
Give ID | /giveid | /passport | /showid | This shows your ID to the player you are currently looking at.
HUD Position | /hud pos <number> | This changes the position of your HUD. The default is 10.
Hud | /hud | Enabled/disables the HUD.
Laws | /laws | Displays all of the current laws in the chat box.
Loading Music | /music | This will enable or disable the loading music for the next time that you join.
Map | /map | Opens up a labeled map of Rockford.
Minimal HUD | /hud minimal | Shrinks the HUD. Use it again to restore it.
Report | !report | This will open a report GUI. You are able to select the name of a player you wish to report and explain the situation. Do not misuse this.
Roll | /roll <max number> | Rolls a number between 0 and the maximum number.
Team Change | /team <team> | An alternative to changing jobs through the F1 Menu.
911 | /911 | Similar to /request in that it sends a message to all government members.
Admin Chat | @ <message> | Send a message to all staff members. You must be informative with these messages.
Advert | /advert <message> | Sends out an advert to all players on the server at the cost of $250 per advert.
Block PM | /blockpm <player|all> - Prevents a player from sending you private messages. Using 'all' blocks all players. Staff members cannot be blocked. See the /unblock command below.
Clan Advert | /cadvert <message> | Sends out an advert which advertises the clan you are currently in.
Clan Radio | /cradio <message> | You can chat over clan radio by using this command. You will have to be part of a clan to use this command.
Frequency | /frequency <number between 80.00 and 120.00>| This works in conjunction with the /pradio command (see above). You are able to set a frequency for your private radio. The numeral range for a frequency is between 80 and 120; you are able to use two decimal places.
Global OOC | // <message>| Using this command you can converse in global OOC. This is not to be confused with Local OOC.
Local OOC | .// <message> | Using this command you can converse in local OOC. This is not to be confused with Global OOC.
Location Advert | /ladvert <message> | Sends out an advert with your location added before your message. This still has a cost of $250 per advert.
Private Message | /pm <player|id> <message> | You can private message other users using this command. You can either use a portion of their name or alternatively you can use their ID found on the scoreboard or by using the /getid command.
Private Radio | /pradio <message> | You can chat on a private frequency with friends by using this command. You'll need to set a frequency by using the /frequency command (see below).
Radio - Voice | /voice <team|private|clan> | A setting for the voice radio, this changes who your voice will be transmitted to; either your team, clan or people in your private group (same as /pradio).
Radio - Listen | /listen <all|send|none|> | A setting for the voice radio, this changes which channels you listen to; either all (team, private and clan), send (the channel you're using), or none (turns off the radio, also prevents you from transmitting).
Request | /request <message> | This will send a message to all government members. However, people near you will also see this message appear.
Reply | /r <message> | This is a quick way of replying to the last private message that you have received.
Stolen | /stolen | This will send a message to all police officials notifying them that your vehicle was stolen. It provides the make and registration of the vehicle.
Taxi | /taxi <message | Contacts a chauffeur.
Team Radio | /radio <message> | Some jobs have their own radio, this includes all government jobs; Corleone members and anarchists.
Teacher Chat | /help <message> | Used to send messages to teachers. Do not use this to report rule breakage.
Unblock PM | /unblockpm <player|all> - Unblocks a blocked player, they will be able to send you messages. Using 'all' will unblock all players. See the /blockpm command above.
Whisper | /w <message> | This command allows you to 'whisper' a message; your message only be displayed to those very close to your character.
Yell | /y <message> | This command allows you to 'yell' a message; your message will be sent over a larger radius than a normal message.
Detonate | /detonate | This will detonate your explosive breaches.
Disarm | /disarm | This will holster you weapon as well as return any ammo boxes (rounded down to the nearest box) or modifications. It takes 45 seconds to disarm.
Holster | /holster | This will put away your currently selected tool or weapon. It takes 5 seconds to holster.
Backup | /backup | As a government official you can use this command to send a message requesting backup to all other officials.
Panic | /panic | As a government official you can use this command to send a panic message to all other officials.
Pass List | /passlist | Prints a list of players with passes.
Police Database | /policedb | Opens the police database, you need to be inside the Nexus or have access to a police computer, such as the one inside a police car.
Pursuit | /pursuit | This will radio in a pursuit message. Before using this command, be sure to scanning the car you wish to initiate a pursuit with.
Unwarranting | /unwarrant <player|id> | Removes a warrant that a player has.
Warranting for a Search | /warrant <player|id> <search> <reason>| This will send a warrant request to the President or, in his absence, the Police Sergeant. Be sure to include the player name and reason.
Warranting for an Arrest | /warrant <player|id> <arrest> <reason>| This will send a warrant request to the President or, in his absence, the Police Sergeant. Be sure to include the player name and reason.
Weapon Position | /weppos | Opens a HUD to set the position of your weapon when attached to your model.
Add Law | /addlaw Example | As President or Vice President you can use this command as an alternative to writing laws in the laws tab.
Broadcast | /broadcast <message> | Presidents and Vice Presidents can use this command to send a server wide message.
Clear Laws | /clearlaws | This command will allow you to clear all laws.
Ending a Lockdown | /unlockdown | Ends a lockdown period.
Insert Law | /insertlaw <law number> <text> | As President or Vice President you can use this command as an alternative to inserting laws in the laws tab. Simply enter the law number and then the law you wish to insert.
Pass | /pass <name> <Red, green, blue or orange> | Grants someone a Presidential (red) pass, Government Worker (blue) pass, Visitor (green) pass, or Law Enforcement (orange) pass.
Pass List | /passlist | Prints a list of players with passes.
Remove All Passes | /pass removeall | Removes all passes from everyone.
Remove Law | /removelaw <law number> | As President or Vice President you can use this command as an alternative to removing laws in the laws tab. Simply enter the law number of the law you wish to remove.
Remove Pass | /pass remove <name> <pass> | Removes the designated pass from an individual
Starting a Lockdown | /lockdown | Initiates a lockdown period. Citizens will be advised to return to their homes.
Tax | /tax <number from 0 to 20> | This command allows you to change the tax rate percentage. You must use a number between 0 and 20.
Wanted | /wanted <player|id> | Sends a message stating that the specified player is wanted by the police.
Demote | /demote <player|id> <reason>| As a leader of a team you can use this command to demote a player. Be sure to include the player name and reason.
Make Leader | /makeleader <player> | This will allow you to transfer the position of team leader to another person. This also works for presidents looking to switch with the vice president.
Objective | /objective <text> | This will create an objective for all your subordinates to follow. Can only be used by Anarchist and Corleone leaders.
Team Name | /teamname <all|player id> <text> | This will change the default team name of your team. Using all will apply it to all team members; using a player id will only apply it to a specific player. Remember to use #ID if you want to generate a random ID.
Drop Money | /dropmoney <amount> | This will drop money at the place you are looking at. You can drop a minimum of $5.
Give Money | /givemoney <amount>| This will give money to the player you are looking at.
Inventory Options | /inventory <item> <destroy|drop|give|use|remove> <amount>| This will allow you to destroy/drop/give/use/remove an item that is in your inventory.
Manufacture | /manufacture <item> | Allows you to manufacture items through chat.
Cruise Control | /cruise <number> | You can set your speed at a steady pace by using this command followed by your desired speed.
Customize | /customize | Used to permanently customize vehicles, see this guide for more information.
Eject | /eject <player> | Removes a player from your vehicle.
Engine | /engine | This will turn the engine of your vehicle on or off.
Evo Radio | /evoradio <on|/off|settings> | By using one of these options you can turn the Evo Radio on or off or you change settings. Whilst the settings menu can be viewed outside a vehicle as well as inside, you must be inside a vehicle to turn the radio on or off.
Flip | /flip | If your vehicle is stuck you can use this command in an attempt to free it.
Vehicle Collide | /vehcollide | If your car does not collide, you can use this command in an attempt to fix it.
Description | /description <text> | Allows you to change your character description.
Gender | /gender <male|female> | This command lets you change the gender of you character. This will take effect after respawn.
Hands-down | /handsdown | Puts your hands down.
Hands-up | /handsup | Allows you to put your hands up. Do not abuse this function.
Hostage Money | /hostagemoney <amount> | Drops money with a 15 minute pick-up timer.
In-game Name | /igname <text> | This will allow you to change your in-game name.
Job | /job <text> | Allows you to change your job title. Not the same as changing your job.
Note | /note <text>| Creates a notepad prop which shows text when a player hovers over it.
Sit | /sit | This will allow your character to sit on the surface you are aiming at.
Sleep | /sleep | Turns your character into a ragdoll.
Third Person Description | /it <text> | Allows you to describe an action that is currently happening in the world which is not directly related to your character.
Third Person Narrative | /me <text> | Allows you to perform actions in the third person.
Wake Up | /wakeup| 'Wakes up' your character from ragdoll mode.
Clan Accept | /clan accept <clanid> | Accept an invite to a clan.
Clan Deny | /clan deny <clanid> | Deny an invite to a clan.
Clan Invite | /clan invite <name/steamid/id> | Invites a player to your clan.
Clan Set Leader | /clan setleader <name/steamid/id> | Give somebody else ownership of a clan.
Clan Set Rank | /clan setrank <name/steamid/id> <number> | Set the rank of a clan member.
Clan Uninvite | /clan uninvite <name/steamid/id> | Revokes a sent invite.
Create Clan | /clan create <clanname> | Creates a clan, at the cost of $50,000 in-game currency. You have five minutes after creating a clan, to get a refund.
Undo Clan | /clan undo | Undoes the creation of a clan. Only gives you a refund if the clan was created less then five minutes ago.
Agree | act agree
Becon | act becon
Cheer | act cheer
Disagree | act disagree
Forward | act forward
Laugh | act laugh
Muscle | act muscle
Pers | act pers
Robot | act robot
Salute | act salute
Wave | act wave
Zombie | act zombie
Last Scanned Plate | %sp | Displays the plate of the car that you last scanned.
Target Clan | %tc | Displays the name of the clan of the player you're looking at, as well as their position within that clan.
Target Description | %td | Displays the character description of the player you're looking at.
Target ID | %tid | Displays the player ID of the player you're looking at.
Target Roleplay Name | %tname | Displays the roleplay name of the player you're looking at.
Target Steam Name | %tsname | Displays the Steam name of the player you're looking at.
Your Clan | %mc | Displays the name of your clan as well as your position within that clan.
Your Description | %md | Displays the description of your roleplay character.
Your ID | %mid | Displays your player ID.
Your Job | %mj | Displays your job name.
Your Location | %l | Displays your location.
Your Roleplay Name | %mname | Displays your roleplay name.
Your Steam Name | %msname | Displays your Steam name.