Added Radio - Voice (/voice <team|private|clan>) to Communication Commands list.
Added Radio - Listen (/listen <all|send|none|>) to Communication Commands list.
Added a list of Wildcards
Added report (!report) to General Commands list.
(Sep 18, 2016, 01:23 AM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]Get ID | /getid <player name> | This will allow you to view the unique ID of a player. This changes everything they join the server.
everything ---> every time
Added Vehicle Collide (/vehcollide) to Vehicle Commands list.
it emitter? not sure if its a command or smth
Updated /pass, /cruise and /makeleader commands.
Added customize (/customize) command to Vehicle Commands list.
Added pass list (/passlist) to President Commands list and Government Commands list.
Added command list (/commandlist) to General Commands list.
Added 911 (/911) to Communication Commands list.
Don't forget /911, which functions just like /request
Added Map (/map) to General Commands list.
FixTVs command in here ? I cant see it.