So I noticed this rule the other day and just wanted to clarify something regarding it.
"12.8 Do not kill or injure any other government member.
12.8a Exception: If an officer or SWAT officer is attempting to take your life or that of innocent people, you may use force to stop them. "
Does this rule mean if and officer kills and innocent person I can spray them as SWAT?
Common sense would be it, if an officer commuted murder on a innocent woman he would eventually be arrested and charged,
however I guess if the officer doesn't drop his firearm when required and it's endangering yourself and others then yes.
Even though it conflicts with Teamkill, that argument there should override it.
No, that would be violating the Teamkilling rule. No Friendly Fire, even if a cop sprays down a bunch of innocents. In that case, notify their Sergeant or the President for a demotion, or a Staff Member if its breaking rules
Well the rules show an exception, so Yes, if there is a rogue officer, you may use lethal force as self defence.
Depends on the context.
The rule was made to allow officers to take measures into their hands when another government members is a direct threat to innocent lives. If he is actively pursuing innocent civilians, by all means take him down. If he is actively trying to kill government members, spray away. If he killed someone and is no longer a threat, you cannot just kill him.
This is a rule to prevent mass-shootings. Also note that it is important to be certain that he is killing someone who isn't a threat as you may not always know the context of a situation if you just see an officer and/or SWAT shooting at a person.
(Aug 21, 2016, 11:51 PM)Brax Wrote: [ -> ]No, that would be violating the Teamkilling rule. No Friendly Fire, even if a cop sprays down a bunch of innocents. In that case, notify their Sergeant or the President for a demotion, or a Staff Member if its breaking rules
Brax, if you check the rules there is an exception that allows a government member to team kill.
Well shit, apparently I was wrong. Whenever I've seen SWAT or a fellow Officer kill another its been an OOC punishable offense so
Thank all of you for your responses. 
Answered and Moved to archive