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Full Version: Roast the person above you
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U nazi
U Trump!
U Dr. Internet!
U tiny
U old grandpa
u a snak
U old grandpa and guy who is wearing glasses
never heard of you, irrelevant.
never heard of you, irrelevant.
never heard of you, irrelevant.
Stop with the shitty trends, like how far up your own arse do you have to be to think this kind of shit is even remotely funny.
How much of a shrivelled up prick do you have to be to not have a laugh, its not like we can fire out any good roasts or we get fucking banned
Still using the overused spongebob avatar
atleast im not bland enough to put my name in my avatar

edit: on your profile you list your roleplay styles as "passive, government, underground" which is literally every roleplay style
Why are you even here? I thought you fucked off, you traitor.