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Full Version: [Suggestion] government changes in my opinion
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Due to a lack of input into this suggestion for nearly a year, this suggestion has been moved to the Old Suggestions subforum.

Voting for this suggestion will last a week.
Thank you for this suggestion. The conclusions can be seen below.

I) Paramedic - Pushing for Staff Review
II) Firefighters - Pushing for Staff Review
III-I) Police Tasers - Denied at this time.
III-II) Police Ranks - Denied at this time.
IV-I) Execution Warrants - Denied - Rockford doesn't have an execution chamber.
IV-II) Dictator / Corruption Rules - Pushing for Staff Review.
V) NDS Assign Command - Denied at this time. We're looking at implementing Soviet's dispatch board.
A First Responder Tahoe has been implemented in the EMVU.
Additional Fire Vehicles have been added in the EMVU.
Dictator permissions have failed to pass their Staff Review vote.
(Nov 5, 2017, 05:01 PM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Let's focus on RP freedom for the President job.

It can be one of the most important and influential jobs when it comes to general roleplay on the server. There's no need to force people having to go Dictator in order to do certain things. No need to give people a raid-reason for small things that would only be doable as a Dictator.

All non-denied suggestions have been covered. Moving to finished.
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