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Full Version: the Trabant 2.0- Dayz Niva / Vaz 2101
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+Support on adding this car , remove the trabant for it or just put this in the server too. Could be like a 20k car Tongue
Moved to Popular

Personally, I like the trabant as it is as it brings back an iconic memory of the time I actually joined CityRP however the new trabant looks good.

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(Jul 10, 2016, 04:12 AM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]Trabant is nostalgic bae, but sadly outdated. This car looks like a good replacement and is one of the better replacements that have been suggested for the Trabant.

+ Support.

Whatever dady Enzyme says!
RussianRP incoming
(Dec 14, 2016, 11:17 AM)Joulle Wrote: [ -> ]+support for the model with hood open

Do you know what ''approved'' means?
+ Support
Guys, dont move anymore.This suggestion is already approved.
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