Anyone who gives -support probably abuses the durability of it
Also, RVs aren't really that durable, and definitely don't have the extreme acceleration and braking seen ingame. Not even my Grandma's small F750 (With a Triton V10) has performance like that, and it's one of the smallest truck based RVs available.
Also, about small vehicles vs RVs, watch this video, and pay attention to how well the red toyota van holds up in the race.
It already takes damage, I think only it's braking time should be adjusted tbh
+support ... what are you even talking about... as if we ever lost our lives to a well placed brakecheckXD the struggle is real. I understand that a vehicle as large and havy as the rv shoudl do some damage/have some hp but it aint a 6 wheeled truck.
(Jul 8, 2016, 08:53 PM)Project Wrote: [ -> ]+Support
If you were to travel at 60MPH into the back of it, it takes 0% damage. Its not realistic on how it gets damaged. Also remember its an old car thus it should not be that strong (anymore).
I can sense so many cops that has been crushed by my RV.. pls dev dont take it away :c
+support for at least tweaking the brakes, don't have them stop so suddenly. That is what is causing the crashes, the cars brake worse then the RV so cannot stop as quickly, therefore ramming into it and exploding. Trim the brakes to be worse than the sedans and I think that would be enough.
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+support on tweaking the values for breaking, acceleration and taking damage for the RV.