Jun 23, 2016, 01:29 AM
My suggestion is that there is more variety in the server when it comes to skins whether its race, sex, different faces or just clothing.
Me and my friend were doing a RP were the black race were the dominant race and it was a laugh until i went to go a SSA agent to keep the President safe because as you can imagine it sparked a bit of an outrage but as i was doing this a realised there was no black SSA agent so we could not proceed with the RP without people saying to the President "if you hate whites why do you have a white guard" etc. So my suggestion is that the developers should add more character faces not just for this one job but for others also.
I don't know what it is like to develop a server but i don't think this would be that hard especially the SSA one as we see black characters wear suits all the time because of the donating ability.
I think this should be added to further RP situations and so that no one is left out if they want to play as a certain race in a certain job etc.
your sincerely
*Thank you Sours*
Me and my friend were doing a RP were the black race were the dominant race and it was a laugh until i went to go a SSA agent to keep the President safe because as you can imagine it sparked a bit of an outrage but as i was doing this a realised there was no black SSA agent so we could not proceed with the RP without people saying to the President "if you hate whites why do you have a white guard" etc. So my suggestion is that the developers should add more character faces not just for this one job but for others also.
I don't know what it is like to develop a server but i don't think this would be that hard especially the SSA one as we see black characters wear suits all the time because of the donating ability.
I think this should be added to further RP situations and so that no one is left out if they want to play as a certain race in a certain job etc.
your sincerely

*Thank you Sours*